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Your communication of 12th inst is rec'd.
The transportation orders are for general use. The tri-monthly blanks will be forwarded. Send your Monthly as soon as possible. Send a Monthly for Refugees. The tri-monthly is not necessary. 
Very Respectfully,
Your Obt Servt,


Office Assistant Commissioner 
Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands
Montgomery, Ala, Decr 15th 1865

R. D. Huckabee Esqr
Green Co. Ala,

I enclose copies of General orders Nos 12 and 14 and Circulars Nos 1 and 3 from this office.
You are hereby authorized to act as Agent of this Bureau in supervising contracts under Gen Order No 12: the proceeds from fees authorized in Gen Orders No 14 you will retain for your compensation.
Please report monthly the numbers of contracts approved.
Very Respectfully
Your Obt Servt


Office Assistant Commissioner
Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands
Montgomery, Ala Decr 16th 1865


Bvt Maj J.H. Elderkin
Chief Comsr. of Subs
Dept of Alabama

I have been endeavoring ever since the receipt of your communication on the subject to get the estimates by Counties of the destitute people in this State. A Committee of the Legislature and myself are both working to get the figures and hope to succeed in a short time. There are as you have been informed 150,000 destitute persons in this state. They must be fed. I have telegraphed the Sec'ty of War asking that instructions be given you through the Comsr Genl to increase your supplies as the necessities of the people may dictate. These instructions will doubtless be sent in a short time. I do not expect you to provide for 150,000 persons but give you this as an idea of the necessities of the people 
In order that you may be ready to commence operations at once after the receipt of these orders will you not obtain and keep as many supplies on hand as your orders will possibly permit. 
I shall not ask you to make an issue beyond what your present orders authorize you in doing but in order that all preparation may be made to meet the extremities of the people I beg you to make your stock of provisions as large as possible.
I expected to start to Mobile today but circumstances prevent my leaving here until day after tomorrow. 
Very Respectfully
Your Obt. Servt

Bvt Maj. Gen. & Asst Commissioner