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color that may be necessary. that is one of my objects and I am heartily with you. If they further desire to see that before the laws the weak and ignorant are protected against wrong, and that for the sake of society ruffianism is closely followed and severely punished so that these poor ones may have hope to work and not despair and steal.  I am heartily with you in this also. For the particulars in which I hope to be able to help you in the first instance I have to refer you to the enclosed communication to the Legislature and to such statements as my Agent Revd Mr Buckley may be able to make. Mr Buckley is a gentleman of ability and character, and of large practical experience with freedmen. I commend him to your kind attention. 

In regard of the second item. I am prepared to confide to a civilian agent of known uprightness and benevolence those administrative functions of the Bureau which are not strictly legal and delegated to the Judiciary. I am prepared to consult you in the choice of such an agent and to make him the channel of communication and assistance. I have been obliged to write this hastily and must refer you to Mr Buckley for further and fuller information. 
Your Obt Servt.

Bvt Maj Gen & Asst Comsr


Office Assistant Commissioner
Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen
and Abandoned Lands
Montgomery, Ala. Decr 23d 1865

T.W. Mostyn, 
Asst Supt R.F. & A.L.
Greenville, Ala.
Your communication of the 21st inst is received.
If there is no Treasury Agent at Greenville your course in taking possession of the hides is correct. 
The intention of this office is to leave such matters to the Treas Agents where practicable.

Please ascertain what amount of Rebel property there is in your County excluding cotton (with which we have nothing to do) and report to this office. Orders will then be sent you for your action. 

Continue giving advice to Freedmen whenever practicable. 

Endeavor to make the town authorities provide quarters and medical attendance for small-pox patients and you can supply rations. 
Your Obt Servt. 


Office Assistant Commissioner
Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen
and Abandoned Lands
Montgomery, Ala. Decr. 23d 1865
W.B. Hall Esqr
Autauga Co, Ala