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It is reported at this office that you are approving contracts 
You have no authority for such action and will please report to this office your reasons for so doing and the number of contracts approved. 
Very Respectfully, 
Your Obt Servant, 


Office Assistant Commissioner 
Bureau of Refugees. Freedmen and Abandoned Lands 
Montgomery. Ala. Dec 36th 1865

T.M. Goodfellow
Supt R.F. and A.L. 
Huntsville .Ala

I enclose you herewith copies of Gen Howard's Circular No. 19 and Gen Woods Circular No. 4. 
I shall request Gen Thomas to order from Nashville on the 1st Jany a supply of rations sufficient to make in your District an issue of Five Thousand (5000) rations daily. I wish you to ascertain at once the number of destitute persons in your District and to send on foot such means as which ensure the proper distribution of these rations when they arrive. 
I shall endeavor to be in your place in a few days. 
Very Respectfully
Your Obt Servant 

Brvt Maj Gen 


Office Assistant Commissioner 
Bureau of Refugees. Freedmen  and Abandoned Lands 
Montgomery. Ala Dec 27th 1865

T.M. Goodfellow
Supt Freedmen
Huntsville. Ala

Your communications of 15. 16. 19. 20. were all received on yesterday. 
Until arrangements are made by which the Q.M. Dept will issue fuel you will have to purchase it, making an estimate of the funds necessary. Limit the quantity used as much as you can. 
A large invoice of clothing and blankets are expected here daily; as soon as they arrive a shipment will be made to you. If a requisition was made on the Q.M. of Huntsville it would have to be approved by the Commissioner at Washington to obtain the goods now on the way The blanks for Abandoned Lands will be forwarded at once. 
The General will be with you in a few days and will advise with you on the plantation matter. 
P.S. In the matter of the laws passed by the Legislature, Circular No. 3 which was forwarded to you on the 16th inst nullifies them
Very Respectfully,
Your Obt Servant 

Brvt Maj Gen &
Asst Coms'r