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Office Assistant Commissioner
Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands
Montgomery, Ala.
Decr 26th, 1865

Maj. Gen. George H. Thomas
Comd'r Mil Div of the Tenn

Enclosed I have the honor to transmit a copy of Circular No 19 from the War Dept office of this Bureau.
In compliance with this Circular and in pursuance of the conversation I had with you when here, I have to ask that you will direct the proper officer of the Commissary Department to place at the disposal of Chaplain T.M. Goodfellow at Huntsville Agent of this Bureau for North Alabama supplies sufficient for a daily issue of five thousand (5000) destitute rations. 
This estimate is the result of careful examination. Governor Patton who will see you in a day or two on other business, will explain that it does not go beyond the requirements of humanity. I venture to trouble you in person, because you have been here and I do not know your chief commissary. 
I am, General, 
Very Respectfully, 
Your Obt Servt. 

Brvt Maj Gen

Office Assistant Commissioner
Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands
Montgomery Ala. Decr 27th 1865

Brvt Maj J.H. Elderkins
Chief Coms'r Subs


Dept of Ala. 
Mobile, Ala

I have the honor to submit the following estimate of stores for the month of Jany which I consider necessary to be sent to the places mentioned. 
It may be necessary to increase this amount. I hope that the stores will be sent at once
Mobile 3000 Rations per day
Montgomery 3000 Rations per day
Greenville 3500 Rations per day
Selma 2000 Rations per day
Talladega 1000 Rations per day
Very Respectfully
Your Obt Servt

Brvt Maj Genl

Office Assistant Commissioner
Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands
Montgomery, Ala. Decr 28th 1865

To the Comd'g Officer
of the Militia of Loundes Co, Ala.

It is reported at this office that you are disarming the freedmen of your section and otherwise undertaking the control of them. As all matters relating to Freedmen are confided to this Bureau by the Government, you are hereby directed not to interfere with or molest in any way the property or person of any Freedmen or to take any action whatever in relation to them. Any violation of this order will be at you peril. 
By order of Brvt Maj Gen. W. Swayne