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Montgomery. Ala. Jany 6th 1866

C.W. Banks
Agent U.S. [[San?]] Com'r
N. O.

I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your com'n of Dec'r 19th in relation to claim of Washington Barker on Capt D.P. Van Leen 97 U.S.C.T.
The case has been referred to Col Geo D. Robinson Supt R.F & A.L. Mobile for action
Very Respectfully
Your Obt Servt,


Office Assistant Commissioner 
Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen
and Abandoned Lands
Montgomery, Ala. Jany 8th 1866

Col Max Woodhull
A.A.G. B.R.F & A.L.
Washington, D.C.

I have the honor to enclose copies of orders from Decr 11th to Jany 6th inclusive. They would have been sent at the time of issue; but for the fact that my clerk, who is in charge of the orders, has been sick and it has been impossible to supply his place.
Very Respectfully
Your Obt Servt,



Office Assistant Commissioner 
Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands
Montgomery, Ala. Jany 1st 1866

Adjt Genl U.S.A.
Washington, D.C.

I have the honor to report in accordance with General Orders No 244 since 1863 that I am on duty in the office of the Asst Comm Bureau Refugees, Freedmen &c for Alabama assigned by Special Orders No 432 Ex 28 War Dept of date July 27. 1865.
Very Respectfully
Your Obt Servt.


Office Assistant Commissioner 
Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands
Montgomery, Ala. Jany 9th 1866

Messrs Clark & Forsyth
Mobile. Ala.

Your communication of the 4th inst is received and has been referred to Col G.D. Robinson Supt R.F & A.L. Mobile with instructions to render you such assistance as his in his power.
Very Respectfully
Your Obt Servt

Bvt Col & A.A.G.