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Officer Assistant Commissioner
Bureau of Refugees. Freedmen and Abandoned Lands
Montgomery. Ala. Jany 9th 1866

Capt A.C. Haptinstall [[Haltonstall]]
Asst Supt R.F & A.L
Demopolis. Ala

Your communication of the 28th ult is rec'd.

It will be impracticable to lease another plantation. Such Freedmen as are thrown on your care must be provided for on the place you have now.
Very Respectfully
Your obt Servant 


Office Assistant Commissioner 
Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands
Montgomery, Ala, Jany 8th 1866

R. V. Montague Esqr 
Collector &c  
Mobile, Alabama 

Dear Sir;
I am in receipt of your note of 3rd inst,
advising me that Maj Gen Thomas has restrained the delivery of the property recently sold by you at Selma, and that you had directed your Agent. Mr Nott, to report here for my fuller information. 
I shall wait his arrival with interest,
and withhold command until that event.
Your Obt Servant 

Brvt Maj Gen


Office Assistant Commissioner 
Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands 
Montgomery. Ala, Jany. 9th 1866

Maj Gen C. R. Woods 
Comd'r. Dept of Alabama, 

Your telegram of this date is received. 
The matter of the [[Thos?]] Virginia and [[Gaunthalt?]] was referred to Gen Howard about ten days since. I expect to hear from it soon. My Disbursing officer Col Wright will be back from Selma tonight and if necessary I will send him down.
Very Respectfully
Your Obt Servant

Brvt Maj Gen & Asst Coms'r.

Officer Assistant Commissioner 
Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands
Montgomery Ala, Jany 9th 1866

Chaplain T.M. Goodfellow
Supt Freedmen
Huntsville, Alabama 

Herewith I return to you the papers forwarded with the application of W.T. Clarke and such others as have been made since concerning the matter. 

In the absence of contrary proof, the facts stated by you indicate that this was an actual purchase of Government property by the officer in the service of the Government, though not consummated until after the

Transcription Notes:
Haltonstall is the actual spelling, not Haptinstall. Writer of letter made a mistake, not transcriber.