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serviced ceased. Such transactions, as a rule, should be summarily cancelled. But as Gen Fisk makes the matter personal to himself, I am of opinion that the Government will lose less by confirming the sale than by a quarrel in the service, and you will make transfer accordingly. 

The technical question of jurisdiction I of course care nothing about.

If in your opinion a serious loss occurs to the finances of your office by this course, you will make report of the fact with statements of the account in detail.
Very Respectfully,
Your Obt Servt

Brvt Maj Gen

Office Assistant Commissioner
Bureau of Refugees Freedmen
and Abandoned Lands
Montgomery, Ala, Jany 10th 1866 

Robt A Fleming Esqr
Justice of the Peace
Union Springs. Ala

Your communication of Jany 4th is received. The principle to be observed in administering justice is to make no distinction in regard to color. By following the principle carefully, you will do your duty. You are ex officio an agent of this Bureau but only for the administration of justice. The fees arising from such cases as come before you are your compensation; no others can be given.
Capt A. M. Clark 8th Iowa Vols is the Asst Supt at your place and the actual agent of the Bureau. I enclose your copies of orders and circulars


issued from this office.

Very Respectfully
Your Obt Servt


Office Assistant Commissioner
Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen 
and Abandoned Lands 
Montgomery Ala. Jany 10th 1866

Lt Spencer Smith
Asst Supt oC
Tuskegee, Ala

You will please cause the mule claimed by Mr. Allison to be returned to him until the case can be investigated. 
You will inquire into the case and decide the ownership of the mule.
Your Obt Servant

Brvt Maj Gen

Office Assistant Commissioner
Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen 
and Abandoned Lands
Montgomery, Ala. Jany 11th 1866
Daniel Pratt Esq
Pres oC
Prattville, Ala 
Your communication of the 9th inst is received. 
If you will send to this office an estimate of the number of destitute persons who need assistance and send the teams to transport