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A report of yours dated Jany 17th and having reference to Circular No 22 War Dept. B.R.F & A.L. appears in the "Nationalist" of the 18th inst. No such report has yet been received officially at this office. The Asst Commissioner directs me to remind you that the publication of official reports by military officers without permission is strictly prohibited and that in this instance, where the report has not been furnished to the authority to whom it is made, the publication of it is a direct violation of military law and etiquette.
He requests that hereafter you will publish no reports until permission is given from this office.
The Asst Coms'r has learned through the Nationalist that the colored Draymen of Mobile are prevented from following their business by reason of an Ordinance of the City requiring bonds to the amount of Two Hundred Dollars for each Dray. 
He wishes you to confer with the Military authorities and the Mayor of the City with a view to having such prohibition removed, and notify him of whatever action may be taken.
He requests that hereafter you will write a weekly letter to him giving information of such matters of interest as may transpire; so that he will not be obliged to depend on the public prints for a knowledge of the condition of affairs in your District.
Very Respectfully
Your Obt Servt,


Brvt Col & A.A.G

Office Assistant Commissioner
Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands
Montgomery Ala, January 20 1866

W. L. Withers, Esqr.

Your communication of the 15th inst is received.
There are no surplus freedmen in this section. There is plenty of demand for all the labor there is here. Some laborers might be employed but it would be necessary to you to have an agent for the purpose. 
The transportation that was promised was furnished to Moses, one of the Freedmen, on the 16th inst.
Very Respectfully
Your Obt Servt

Brvt Maj Gen & Asst Commis'r

Assistant Commissioner 
Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands
Montgomery Ala January 20 1866

Capt Chas. Scott
Provost Marshall

You will please discharge from your custody John Johnson and Edward Hooper, they having filed in this office bonds for their appearance when called for and fulfillment of such sentence as the Military Commission before whom they have been tried have imposed upon them.