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Office Assistant Commissioner
Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands
Montgomery Ala.  Jany 30, 1866

Maj Gen C.R. Woods
Comd'r Dept Alabama


I am in receipt of your General Orders No 4. 1866
I thank you for your kindness in thus promptly upholding me in my efforts have justice done the Freedmen.

Very Respectfully,
Your Obt Servt.
Bvt Maj Genl &c.

Office Assistant Commissioner
Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands
Montgomery Ala.  Jany 31st 1866

Lt S. Smith
Asst Supt R.F.& A.L.
Tuskagee, Ala.


A Mr Eli Holland of Tuskegee has applied to Maj Gen Howard for transportation to Wisconsin.  You will please examine into his case and ascertain as follows.

What property has he got?
Is he able to make a living where he is?
Are his relatives in Wisconsin able to support him?
Does he depend on the Government for support?
Is he a Refugee or an old resident of Tuskegee?
Are not his children old enough to support him?


Has he been in the Rebel Army?

Very Respectfully,
Your Obt Servt

Office Assistant Commissioner 
Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands
Montgomery Ala.  Jany 31st 1866

R.W. Russell Esq
J.P. Lowndesboro Ala


Your communication of the 27th inst is received.

The claim of board for the horse is a good one but if the horse was worked on the plantation Adam is certainly
entitled to pay therefor which if the horse was worked during the planting season should offset the board.

As for Adams board Mrs Nall is certainly entitled to compensation therefor but Adam states that he never received
any provisions from her.

As the only evidence I have is ex parte I cannot say whether your decision is a correct one in the premises or not.  I would suggest that you grant him a new trial.  The matter is left in your hands entirely

I enclose you copies of General Orders No 2.

Very Respectfully
Your Obt Servt
Bvt Col & A.A.G.