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Bvt Maj Genl

Office Asst Comsr
B.R.F. & A.L.
Montg Feby 8th 1866

W.P. Mellen, Esqr
Supervising Special Agent
New Orleans La

My dear Sir;

Mindful of our recent conversation at Mobile I send you here a copy of an extraordinary communication. I have received from one R.S. Robertson who coolly asks me to pay him twenty five thousand dollars immediately for which to my knowledge he has had nothing to do. I send also a copy of my reply, and would like you to advise me if I am not treating him with excessive moderation, rather than otherwise. If his performances in Texas are of this character I think he had better be put immediately in limbo.

Your obedient Servant,

Bvt Maj Gen

Office Asst Comsr
B.R.F. & A.L.
Montgomery. Feb 7. 1866

R.S. Robertson Esq
Mobile. Alabama

Sir ;

I am in receipt of your note of 5th inst. asking that certain large sums of money be paid you by this Bureau.

In reply I have to say that I received the 


property to which you refer from the Collector of the Port of Mobile, and I shall confirm any dealings in relation to it, to the Collector, except so far as the act of transfer may bring me into contact with his agents.

I have however, no desire that the Bureau should evade the payment of the one fourth usually stipulated by Treasury Contracts. But when I was at Mobile, Mr Wm P. Mellen, Supervising Special Agent of the Treasury Department assured me in the presence of Major General Woods, that this 25 per cent was to cover all expenses, and asked me if I found anything in contravention of this to put a stop to it.

And in this instance the fact that I never heard of you before you letter will require of me to see that the parties who have done the work are not unduly sacrificed. And I shall refer all questions that may arise to the General Commanding Department, to whom I shall send a copy of this letter.

Should you desire a different ruling, advise me, and I will at once ask the Commissioner of this Bureau at Washington to present a copy of your letter to the Secretary of the Treasury and take his sense upon it. 

Your Obedient Servant

Bt Maj Gen
& Asst Comsr

Transcription Notes:
transcription was perfect. I had to reopen b/c "25" was typo as "24". sry :/