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you and he are ready to come up.

I think you had better see whether you cannot get Col Wickersham to take charge of the two boats which remain.  I am willing he should sell them under the advice and instructions of Maj Gen Woods and he would greatly oblige me by so doing.

Col Cadle has not yet returned.

Very Respectfully
Your Obt Srvt
Bt Maj Gen

Office Asst Coms'r
B.R.F. & A.L.
Mont. Ala.  Feb. 16, 1866

Bt Maj Gen Chas R. Woods
Coms'r Department
Mobile, Ala.


I observe that no formal answer has yet been sent though I sent you full information by Col Cadle, to your communication of the 9th inst, asking copies of laws of Alabama in conflict with the policy of the General Government.

I am not able to say definitely that there are just now any such, or rather precisely what laws are so, because the new Code upon its passage modifies the whole method of procedure, and what is nominally in force today may be repealed tomorrow.

It is expected that the Legislature will adjourn on Friday of next week;  or as soon as they have given the results of their labor a definite and final shape.  I will advise you of any feature not in harmony with the policy


of the Government.

Very Respectfully,
Your Obt Servt,
Bt Maj Gen

Office Asst Coms'r
B.R.F. & A.L.
Mont. Ala.  Feb. 16, 1866

Y.M. Rabb, Esq'r:
Evergreen, Conecuh Co. Ala.


I am in receipt of your note in reference to rations for your Co.  You are certainly the proper person to issue rations for your County.  The Adjutant General & Mr Cruikshank are both absent just now.  As soon as they return or either of them the matter will be righted.

Your Obt Servant
Bt Maj Gen

Office Asst Coms'r
B.R.F. & A.L.
Mont.  Feb. 16, 1866

W.P. Mehlen, Esq.
Gen'l. Agent Treasury Dept
New Orleans  La.

My dear Sir;

I am in receipt of your note of 12th inst, and am glad that our views co-incide.

The measure you suggest in regard to Robertson I have already taken, asking Gen'l. Howard to bring it to the personal notice of the Secretary.