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in the Q.M. Dept before the General's return I will gladly avail myself of your offer.

Very Respectfully
Your Obt Servt

Office Asst Coms'r.
B.R.F & A.L.
Mont.  M'ch 6, 1866

Bt Lt Col F.H. Wilson
A.A.G. Dept of Ala


Mr Gibson called on me today with a letter from you in which Col Healy Comd'r Dist was directed to furnish transportation to thirty (30) negroes from Eula Ala to Meridian Miss on a requisition from this office.

Transportation is furnished destitute Refugees & Freedmen only where they are dependent on the Govt for support and when by being sent to their friends or former residences the Govt will be relieved of such support.  This is in accordance with General Orders No 138 series 1865. A.G.O.

Col Thomas the Asst Comsr for Miss furnishes requisitions for transportation in such cases as the one you refer to but in so doing he certainly goes beyond the meaning of the order.  A Circular Letter was received at this office within a few days (copy enclosed) which will show you that General Orders No 138 does not authorize such issue.  We have invariably refused such applications and I was


compelled to do so in this case.

Very Resp'y
Your Obt Servt

Office Asst Coms'r.
B.R.F. & A.L.
Mont  M'ch 6, 1866

Col G.D. Robinson
Supt &c.
Mobile, Ala


Will you please suggest to Mr. W.B. Nichols that such communications as the one that appeared in the Mobile Times of the 3rd inst signed by him as "Judge Advocate" are beneath the dignity of an officer connected with the Bureau and likely to lead those who sent it, whether Union men or rebels, to consider that he is buckling to the opinions of the rebel element of the south.  Also suggest to him the propriety of attending to his official business and paying no attention (officially) to assertions made in the papers in regard to the condition of affairs as far as they are connected with the Bureau.

Very Resp'fy
Your Obt Servt

Office Asst Coms'r.
B.R.F & A.L.
Mont M'ch 6. 1866

Col Max Woodhull
[[strikethrough]] Col G.D. Robinson Supt &c. [[/strikethrough]]