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Office Asst Commsr
R F & A L Montgomery Apl 17th 1866

Jos. T. Williams
Hainsville Ala


Your communication of the 13th inst is received. The rules of this Bureau as announced in orders, last fall make the Freedmens wages the first lien on the crops The 3d Section of the II Par of Genl orders No 12 from the office, will give you the information required

Very Respectfly
Your Obdt Servant
Sgd C Cadle Jr
Bt Col & AA Genl

Office Asst Comsr
B of R F & A L Montgomery April 17th 1866

Chas A. Mayer
Late Adjt 58th Ills


I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your communication of yesterdays date.

I should be glad to give you a situation had we one to offer you. All the places in the Bureau have already been filled by discharged Soldiers

Very Respectfully
Your obdt Servant 
Sqd C Cadle Jr
Bt Col & AA General

Office Asst Commissioner.
Bureau of R F & A L
Montgomery April 16th 1866

Bt Brig Genl C H Howard
A A A G. B R F & A L
Washington DC

General. I have the honor to transmit the following


reports for the month of March 1866

Monthly Report  Refugees
Monthly Report  Freedmen
Monthly Report  Lands
Monthly Report of changes of Officers
Monthly Report of Schools.

Verry Respectfully.
Your Obdt Servant
Sigd Wager Swayne
Bt Maj Genl Asst Commissioner 

Office Asst Commissioner
B R F & A. L. 
Montgomery Ala Apl 18th 1866

Capt F. O. Stineburg
Asst Supt Greenville Ala

Your communication of the 16th instant is received.

Your action in regard to the binding of the Girl "Mollie" is approved. You are authorized to employ an issuing Clerk at $75 Seventy five Dollars per month, if you find it impossible to get along without. You have already been advised in regard to the employment of Mr Mostyn.
At present it is impossible to send you any Troops

Very Respectfully
Your Obdt Servant
Sd. O D. Kinsman
Bt Maj A A General

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-08-16 19:37:24