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Office Asst Commissioner 
B.R.F. & A.L.
Montgomery Ala April 19th

Rev'd Warren Norton
Tuscumbia Ala

Your communication of the 13th inst is received.
It is impracticable for this office to comply with your request Rail Road Companies do not now furnish transportation at reduced rates and were we to give you such an order, it would not be obeyed. 
Very Respectfully
Your obdt Servant
C. Cadle. Jr.

Office Asst Commissioner
B.R.F. & A.L
Montgomery Ala April 19th 1866

Mr James Vansandt
Rockford Coosa Co Ala

The communication of the 10th inst of yourself and Mr McCairy, in regard to the appointment of Mr Bently as Agent of the Bureau is received. 
In reply I have to say that at present no Civilian Agents are being appointed
Very Respectfully 
Your obedient Servant
Signed O. D. Kinsman
Bt Major & AAG

Office Asst Commissioner
B.R.F & AL
Montgomery ala April 19th 1866

Br Maj Genl Chas R Woods
Comd'g Dept of Ala
Mobile Ala

Will you have the goodness to advise me whether you have received from General Canby the transcript of the articles of capitulation by Dick Taylor and, if so send me a Copy? There is a pretty good chance to sell the Many, of which I think advantage should be taken unless the transcript shows that you are quite sure of a decree.
Verry Respectfully
Your obdt Servant
Signed Wager Swayne
Bt Major Genl & Asst Comsn'r

Office Asst Commissioner
B.R.F & AL
Montgomery Ala April 19th 1866

Capt W. H. H. Peck
Asst Supt R.F. & A.L.
Tuscaloosa Ala.

Your communication of the 16th inst is received. 
I return the accounts for travel pay. The statements for self & servant must be made out seperate. That is on the same sheet but distinct from your own. You must sign the certificate  I have approved the statement. I shall leave here for Talladega on Monday next - will come to Tuscaloosa and probably reach there on Friday morning. I will give you the instructions you ask for and assist

Transcription Notes:
edited: filled in blanks, changes and corrections, inst used to denote date in current month, Brevet Major General