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this day received. I have the honor to call your attention to the estimate of rations to be issued to destitute persons in your District (which estimate was forwarded you on the 23d inst) during the month of may. The General directs me to say to you that the man Sewall is a very unsafe guide for you in any thing.
Very Respectfully
Your obdt Servant
Sgd O D Kinsman

Office Asst Commissioner
B.R.F. & A.L.
Montgomery Ala April 26th 1866

Major Genl E. R. S. Canby
Comd'g Dept of Louisiana
New Orleans La

Some time since certain Vessels known as blockade runners" the "Mary," Virgin" and "Red Guantlet" [[Gauntlet]] were transferred to me by order of the President of the United States, to be sold and the proceeds applied to the purposes of this Bureau. The vessels were duly advertised and one of them sold, the two others remain for sale.
To give a more perfect title it is desirable to procure a decree in admiralty provided it can be done with speed and certainty.
The Attorney General advised me that if these vessels were specifically mentioned in the articles of Capitulation of the Rebel Genl Taylor to yourself that fact would be conclusive against private claims.
Bvt Maj Chas. Raffordy Commd'g this Dept has kindly sent me a copy of your letter to him of March 19th 1866 from which I see that the vessels were certainly contemplated, in the surrender, though I do not see that they were specifically mentioned. If they were so mentioned will you have the goodness to send me a Certified transcript of as much of the articles of Capitulation as emp[[?]] the transfer of these


vessels, and oblige
Very Respectfully
Your Obedient Servant 
Signed Wager Swayne
Bvt Major Genl. etc

Office Asst Coms etc
B.R.F. & A.L.
Montg Ala April 28th 1866

W C Helfin Esq
West Point Ala

Your communication of the 27th inst with accompanying petitions is received. In reply I have to say to you that the estimate for Randolph Co is already a very large one and cannot be increased, with the Agent of the County it rests to distribute the rations impartially
Very Respectfully
Your obdt Servant
Sgd O D Kinsman

Office Asst Commissioner
B. of R.F. & A.L.
Montgomery Ala April 28th 1866

Maj T. M. Goodfellow
Courtland Ala,

Dear Sir,
I am in receipt of your note of of the 10th instant, which should have had earlier attention.
I will certainly be very slow to entertain any presumption against you based upon your connection with this Bureau, and I do not mean that you shall be inconsiderately annoyed, I have so advised Col Callis. The statement you make in regards to that officer shall have my personal attention when I can get to Huntsville. 
Your obdt Servant
Sgd Wager Swayne
Bt Maj Genl 

Transcription Notes:
Edited: changes and corrections, filled in blanks, inst (instant) used to denote date in current month The pages become blurrier close the bottom of the image, making it difficult to read certain words.