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Officer. Asst Commissioner
Montgomery Ala April 30th 1866

Bvt Major Genl S Thomas
Adjt Genl USA 
Washington DC 


In accordance with Genl Orders No 244 War Dept. A. G. O. Series 1863, I have the honor to report that I am on duty as asst Commissioner Bureau of R.F.&A.L State of Ala. in compliance with S.O. 17 War Dept Bureau R.F.&A.L June 24th, 1865 

Very Respectfully, 
Your obdt Servant 
(Sgd) Wager Swayne
Bvt Major General of vols

Office Asst Commissioner
B.R.F. and A.L.
Montgomery Ala April 30th 1866

Col M. D. Wickersham
Chief Q M Dept of Ala
Mobile Ala


General Swayne directs me to forward you the enclosed official copy of telegram in reference to his Journey to Washington, and to thank you for your kindness in arranging the matter without this enclosure.

Very Respectfully
Your Obedient Servant
Sgd O. D. Kinsman
Bvt Major & AA Genl


Office Asst Commissioner
Montgomery Ala April 30th 1866

Wm. Seawall Esop
Greenville Ala

In reply to your communication of the 27th inst the General directs me to say to you that it was not intended that the distribution of rations to destitute people should stop but that on the contrary the "Estimate for May is larger than that for April, it being the intention to relive all suffering as far as possible. Capt Stineberg asst Supt at Greenville has been already notified of the amount of rations he is authorized to draw and issue during May, for the several Counties of his District.

Very Respectfully
Your Obdt Servant
Sgd O. D. Kinsman
AA General

Office Asst Commissioner
B. of R.F.&A.L.
Montgomery Ala April 30th 1866

H. R. Levencitt[[?]] Esq
Eanon Macon Co Ala

In reply to your communication of the 25th inst. I have the honor to inform you that Genl Orders No 7 designating judicial officers as Agents of the Bureau is no longer in force, since that order referred simply to officers appointed by the Provisional Governor. Circular No. 3 Dec 15th 1865 from this office announced to judicial officers their duty to continue to act as Agents of the Bureau until the close of the session of the General Assembly, which having now closed, Judicial officers and Magistrates are no longer "ex officio" agents of the Bureau.

Very Respectfully, etc.
Sig O D Kinsman
Bvt Maj & AA Genl