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Office Asst Commissioner
Montgomery Ala April 27th, 18

Major Genl O. O. Howard
Commissioner etc Washington D.C.


I beg to recall to your attention the application made from this office in March last for the use and custody of the Marine Hospital near the City of Mob[ile]. You will remember that application having been made to the secretary of the Treasury, and the public interest involved explained to him, he expressed a desire that the emerge[ncy] should be met, but as the building was still in custody of the War Department referred me for action to the Secretary of War. That officer at once gave me a letter to the Department Commander requesting that the building be transferred to me as soon as the inmates could be located as suitably, elsewhere.
On a recent visit to Mobile I took the matter in hand. The situation is this: the Army Medical Director was in charge, caring for about forty patients of his own and about forty marine patients, for which service the Treasury Department paid him per Capita, seventy five cents daily. Being about to transfer his own patients to a field Hospital for the summer he would at the same time terminate the Treasury arrangement.
Immediately adjoining the Marine Hospital is the City Hospital a building of the same stile [style] exactly and admirably kept.
They mayor of the City on being advised of the situation after due consultation, stated that the management of the City Hospital would be glad to receive the Marine patients and if need be in a separate and eligible building with ample facilities, at the same price as is now paid to the Medical Director. The acting collector at Mobile entered into this arrangement with approval, but thinks a more desirable, still, may perhaps be made with a late army Surgeon of great merit, one of the two will probably be soon consummated.


I beg to suggest to you that these facts may interest the Secretary of the Treasury, and that you procure from him, that our occupancy may unaffected by local changes, his formal Order, or that of the President, who kindly promised whatever I might require that was within his reach for the use and custody of the building as soon as the inmates can be located as suitably elsewhere.

Very Respectfully
Your Obdt Servant
Sgd Wager Smayne
Bvt Maj General etc

Office Asst Commissioner
B. of R.F.&A.L.
Montgomery Ala May 2nd 1866

Dr Thos [[H?]] Mills E
Garland Butler Co Ala


A bill for $545.00 for medical services purporting to have been rendered by you to destitute refugees and freedmen at Garland Ala, has been received at this office. So the case stands at present and without further information in relation to the facts the bill cannot be paid. You will please, therefore address a communication to this office setting forth in full all the facts — by whom, on, under what authority employed — from and to, what dates —at what compensation and whither or not a writen [[written]] contract was made and whether your entire time was occupied in their attendance. This communication should be forwarded through the office of the Asst Supt at Greenville for his remarks.

Very Respectfully
Your Obdt Svt
Sgd O D Kinsman
AA Genl

Transcription Notes:
The ends of some words are cut off at the right edge of page 358.