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Demapolis Ala May 7th 1866

Pierce C.W. Bvt Major
Supt R F & A L
Demopolis Ala.

All buildings erected by the late rebel Govt and [[held]] by them at the surrender; whether on private or public ground are the property of the U.S. Govt., and by the executive order of Nov 11th 1865 revert to this Bureau. 

Wherever you may find such property within your District you will take possession of it, and hold it subject to such directions as you may receie from the Office of the Assistant Commissioner at Montgomery.

In the case of the buildings on the grounds of the Demopolis Female Academy coming under the above rule you will move such of them as you may require for the purpose of erecting a school house, the rest you may sell at public or private sale to the best advantage. The ware house on the "right of way "(or near it) of the Selma & Demopolis R.R. you will dispose of reserving the privilege of using such portion of it as may be required for storage of subsistence stores and, other property pertain to the Bureau.

If any interference is attempted by the owner through the Civil authorities you will notify them that hold the property by Military authority, and if necessary we will use such authority to retain it.

Very Respectfully
Your Obdt Servant 
(Sgd) C. Cadle Jr.
A.A. General 

Office Asst Commissioner 
B.R.F. and A.L
Montgomery Ala May 11th 1866

Theune R. Bt Major & Asst Supt
Talladega Ala



Your communications of the 3rd inst is received. In regard to your having been tendered the assistance of a company of Militia, formed under authority of the Governor, I am directed to say that you will in no case whatever, recognized the organization referred to as a military force, for use if in any way in enforcing the orders of the Bureau. The proposed expedition in building house, and digging well cannot be authorized. Cannot you employ the people on the place for that purpose?

Very Respectfully
Your Obdt Servant 
O.D. Kinsman.
A.A. General.

Office Asst Commissioner 
B.R.F & A.L. 
Montgomery Ala May 11th 1866 

Fellows W.H. Esq
Selma Ala.

Your communication of the 8th inst in reference to real property belonging to the Estate of Thornton. B. Goldsby, deceased, is received In reply I have to say that you should make a communication in writing setting forth in full, the facts in said case.

Very Respectfully 
Your obdt Servant.
O.D. Kinsman.
A.A General