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successfully prosecuted if funds are supplied. You are of course better able to judge of this necessity than either your Prov Marshal or myself. If you find a real necessity in this particular which cannot otherwise be met, I feel sure of the authority of Genl Howard for an expenditure in that direction made under your auspices.

Very Respectfully 
Your Obdt Servant
(Signed) Wager Swayne
Major General

Office Asst Commissioner 
B R F & A L
Montg Ala May 22nd, 1866

Whiting  L.J. Capt & Actg Supt
Mobile Ala

I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 21st inst covering the report of P S. Mancasus Esq relative to the Slave trade between Ports in the southern states and the Island of Cuba and accompanying papers. 

By a letter which is sent through to-days mail. Maj Genl Swayne asst Commissioner has submitted the matter to the consideration of Bvt Maj Genl Chas R Woods Comdg Dept of Ala.

Very Respectfully 
Your obdt Servant
(Signed) O.D. Kinsman.
A A Genl 


Office Asst Commissioner
B. R. F & A L
Montgomery Ala May 23rd 1866

Howard  O O Major Genl, Commissioner to 
Washington DC

I have the honor to transmit herewith the following reports for, the month of April 1866.

Monthly Report of Lands
Monthly Report of Refugees
Monthly Report of Freedmen

Report of changes and assignments of officers. 

Very Respectfully 
Your obdt Servant 
(Signed) Wager Swayne
Major General

Office Asst Commissioner
B.R. F & A. L.
Montgomery Ala May 23rd 1866

Elderkin  Wm A Bvt Major Chf. C.S. Dept of Ala
Mobile Ala

I have the honor to herewith transmit to you an estimate of the amount of rations to be issued to the several counties of the State. (excepting the Huntsville District) in the month of June, 1866 and to enclose for your information copies of the resolution of Congress and instructions from the Hon. Secretary of War, bearing on the case.

Very respectfully 
Your Obdt Servant 
(Signed) O.D. Kinsman 
A.A. Genl.