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Office Asst Commissioner
B. R. F. & A. L.
Montgomery ala May 23rd, 1866  

William Chamberliss & Co
Publishers Selma Morning Times

I have the honor to [[crossed out]]enclose[[/crossed out]] return you herewith  return the enclosed bill this day received. It should be forwarded through the office of the Superintendent at Selma for his Endorsement. 
Very Respectfully 
Your Obdt Servant 
(Sgd) O.D. Kinsman
A.A. General

Office Asst Commissioner
B. R. F. & A. L.
Montgomery ala May 23rd, 1866

Worthy  A.W. Dr.
Troy Bike leo Ala.

Your communication of the 21st inst in reference to the two children of "Moses Cade", apprenticed without his knowledge or consent. conveying the decision of the court before whom the case was brought, together with the proof submitted in the case, was received yesterday.
In reply the General desires me to transmit his thanks to you for your kindness in attending to this case

Very Respectfully
Your Obdt Servant 
(Sgd) O.D. Kinsman
A. A. General


Office Asst Commissioner 
B R F & A. L.
Montgomery Ala May 23rd, 1866
Callis  J.B. Bvt Col & Supt F.B. & A.L. 
Huntsville Ala.
Please endeavor to procure and send to this office as as speedily as possible, one of the bills for state & County Taxes, demanded of the Freedmen in your [[crossed out]] county [[/crossed out]] Dist for the present year, 
Very Respectfully 
Your Obdt Servant.
Sgd) O D Kingsman
Brevet Major & A. A. Genl

Office Asst Commissioner
B. R. F. & A. L.
Montgomery Ala May 23rd, 1866
Gardner  S. S. Supt R. F. & A L
Selma Ala 
Will you please endeavor to procure and send to this office as speedily as possible a copy of the bill for State and County Taxes demanded of the Freedmen in your [[crossed out]] county [[/crossed out]] Dist for the present year?

Very Respectfully 
Your Obdt Servant 
Snd) O. D. Kinsman, 
A.A. General.

Office Asst Commissioner
B. R. F. & A. L.
Montgomery Ala May 23rd, 1866
Theune  R Brevet Major & asst Supt
Talladega Ala 

Your communications of the 19th & 20th insts are received. It was not supposed that the blind, crippled or old negroes, on the Home Colony could be employed in erecting houses