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but that among the entire lot some might be selected who would be able to do some work. 
In regard to the man "Welling" the General desires me to say that he had no authority whatever from this Office and that you can consider all such persons presenting themselves without the proper credentials as swindlers.

Very Respectfully 
Your Obdt Servant 
(Signed) OD Kinsman
A.A. General.

Office Assist Commissioner
B.R.L & A.L
Montgomery Ala. May 23 1866

Haughey  Thomas Dr.
Elyton Jefferson Co Ala 

Your communication of the 19th inst asking for an appointment as Commissioner for Jefferson Co under the Civil Rights Bill, is this day received.  
In reply the General desires me to say that the Judge of the US District Court who has the appointing power will be here in a few days and that then he will cheerfully recommend you for the position desired. 
Very Respectfully 
Your Obdt Servant 
(Signed) OD Kinsman 
A.A. General 

Office Asst Commissioner
B.R.F & A.L
Montgomery Ala May 23 1866

Hoge  L.L. Lieut
Selma Ala

In reply to your telegram of the 19th inst I have the honor to state that all has been done that can be in regard to your reassignment to the Bureau. Transportation cannot of course be furnished your since you are no longer in the service of the Bureau. Your [[miliage?]] from the place of muster, out to place of enrollment will be amply sufficient to take you to South Carolina 
Very Respectfully 
Your Obdt Servant 
(Sgd) O.D. Kinsman
A.A. Genl.

Office Asst Commissioner
B.R.F & A.L
Montgomery Ala May 23rd 1866

Gardner  S.S. Supt B.R.F & A.L.
Selma Ala.

For your Reports of rations issued to Refugees or Freedmen, for, the month of April 1866, you show that (2955) Two Thousand nine hundred and fifty five rations were issued to "Persons giving lien on crop." You will please report by return Mail, the names of these persons, and the circumstances under which the rations were issued.
Very Respectfully 
Your Obdt Servant
(sgd) O.D. Kinsman.
A.A. General 

Transcription Notes:
Only 2 ? marks