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I look forward confidently to a reduction for July at least equal to the increase for June. And by the first of August I trust the State will have fairly entered upon the gradual assumption of the whole. For while it must be continued on a considerable scale until Legislature shall have provided an efficient system of care for the poor, which they failed to do last winter, yet it is distinctly kept in view that the agency of the Genl Government is to be continued only so far as starvation is the inevitable alternative. Into this view I am happy to say that the Governor enters fully, and if he shall succeed well in the disposition of his bonds the means at his command will enable him to provide most of the supplies, after the month of August 
I am General
Very Respectfully
Your Obdt Servant 
(Signed) Wager Swayne
Major General 

Office Asst Commissioner
B.R.F. & A.L.
Montg Ala May 26th 1866

Gardner  S.S. Supt R.F. & A.L.
Selma Ala.

I have the honor to forward you herewith five (5) blank orders for transportation.
You will please report by letter the persons and things transported under each order as soon as you fill it out.
Your attention is called to G. Oct 138 War Dept F.G.O. series 1865 (especially to that portion of it which limits the giving of transportation by asst Commissioners within their jurisdictions) also to Circular No 2 Current Series from the Commissioner
Very Respectfully
Your Obdt Servant. 

(signed) O.D. Kinsman
A.A. General.

Office Asst Commissioner
B.R.F. & A.L.
Montgomery Ala May 28th 1866

Reese  Jas. T. Hon.
Mayor of Selma Ala.

Major Genl Swayne asst Commissioner directs me to say to you that the Bureau is entirely willing and ready to give up the Masonic Institute now used by it as a Hospital, as soon as the County or City, authorities will make arrangements for some other building suitable for the sick. The Bureau will continue to furnish all the necessary medicines and supplies as heretofore. Workmen for the purpose of repairs will be admitted to all parts of the building from which the sick can be conveniently removed.
Very Respectfully
Your Obdt Servant
(signed) O D Kinsman
A.A. Genl

Office Asst Commissioner
B.R.F. & A.L.
Montgomery Ala May 28th 1866

Gardner  S.S. Supt B.R.F. & A.L.
Selma Ala.

By the Generals direction I have just written to the Mayor of Selma stating the readiness of the Bureau to give up the Masonic Institute as soon as the authorities provide another building for the sick, and also that workmen for the purpose of repairs will be admitted to all parts of the building from which the sick can be conveniently removed. The General desires also that the frame building in the view of the "Masonic Institute" and which belongs to the Bureau may be disposed of as soon as possible either by removal to some other