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Head Quarters, Dist of Alabama
Montgomery, Ala. June 12, 1866.

[[left margin]] Whiting [[/left margin]]
Capt. L.J. Whiting
Act. Supt. R.F. and AL
Mobile, Ala

Col. Beecher informs me that you have employed a clerk in place of Mr. Chadwick at the rate of $125 per month. 

This rate is $25 more than we can pay. It was allowed in the case of Capt Manchester, because he had just been in the receipt of a higher rate in his official position.

No clerks in this State are receiving over $100 per month, and this rate cannot be exceeded in your District.

Very Respectfully
Your Obedient Servant
C. Cadle, Jr.
Brevet Col and A. A. G.

Head Quarters, Dist of Alabama
Montgomery Ala June 12' 1866

[[left margin]] Davis. [[/left margin]]
Mr. O. M. Davis
Bridgeport, Belmont Co. Ohio

In reply to your letter of the 3rd inst. I have to say that as yet no Act has been passed by Congress entitling non-veterans who enlisted in '61 or '62 to a bounty. To obtain a copy of the order discharging you to accept promotion, you must apply to the Adjutant General of the Army at Washington as all records of the Army are in his possession. 

Very Respectfully,
Your Obedient Servant
(Signed)Wager Swayne
Major General 


Head Quarters Dist of Alabama 
Montgomery Ala June 12 1866

[[left margin]] Fullerton [[/left margin]]
Brig. Gen. J.S. Fullerton
Montgomery, Ala.

I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of a note from you of this date for yourself and Maj. Genl. James B. Steadman, asking information upon certain points therein stated. 

In reply to your first three interrogatories I transmit to you herewith
1. A Return of the number of Officers and Civilians attached to the Bureau in the District of Alabama, with rank and pay.
2. A Return of the number, (sex and age) age and sex of freedmen receiving aid from the Bureau, with rations issued each month since December, 1865.
3. A Return of the number age and sex of refugees receiving aid from the Bureau, with rations issued each month since December, 1865.
4. Copies of three letters from the Assist. Commissioner to Maj. Gen. Howard, commissioner B. R. F. and A. L, and copies of letters from R. M. Patton, Governor of Alabama and M. H. Cruikshank, [[crossed out]] Com [[/crossed out]] State Commissioner for the Destitute of Alabama, exhibiting "the necessity for the relief so furnished", and the views of the Assist. Commissioner as to "how long and to what extent it will continue".

These copies present what is required in the most concise and comprehensive form.

The fourth interrogatory is found to require a special communication, which also is transmitted to you herewith.
I am, General, Very respectfully,
Your obedient Servant,
(Signed) Wager Swayne
Major General