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Brevet Major R Theune Asst Supt Talladega
Talladega Co per diem 390 
Calhoun Co per diem 390 
St Clair Co per diem 390 
Total 1,170

Bvt Major F.D. Ogilby Supt. Selma
Dallas Co per diem 90 
Perry Co per diem 120 
Jefferson Co per diem 390 
Shelby Co per diem 390 
Bibb Co per diem 390 
Total 1380

Jas. F. McGogy Agent Greenville
Butler Co per diem 300 
Covington Co per diem 225 
Coffee Co per diem 225 
Total 750

Capt L.J. Whiting Act Supt. Mobile Ala
Mobile Co per diem 600 
Choctaw Co per diem 180 
Monroe Co per diem 150 
Clarke Co per diem 210 
Washington Co per diem 120 
Baldwin Co per diem 90 
Wilcox Co per diem 90 
Conecuh Co per diem 195 
Total 1635

Very Respectfully
Your Obedient Servant
O D Kinsman
Brevet Major and A.A.G.


[[left margin]] McGogy [[/left margin]]
Head Quarters Dist of Alabama
Montgomery June 21 1866

Jas F McGogy
Agent B R F and A L
Greenville Ala

Your communications of the 20th inst. with enclosed letter addressed to Mr Heldreth, are received. In reply, I have to say that the school should be opened at once. There is now at Greenville an armed force, which if necessary to preserve order, will be kept there.

Very Respectfully
Your Obedient Servant,
(Signed) O.D. Kinsman
Brevet Major and A.A. Genl.

[[left margin]] Mosebach [[/left margin]]
Head Quarters Dist of Alabama
Montgomery Ala June 21, 1866

Capt. Fred. Mosebach.
A.S.A. Comm'r.
Columbus, Ga.

I have the honor to forward to you herewith transportation for Mrs. M.A. Graham, and three Children, from Columbus, Ga, to Mobile, Ala.

Given under G.O. 138, War Dep't A.G.O. 1865.

Very Respectfully
Your Obedient Servant
(Signed) O.D. Kinsman
Brevet Major and A A G

Transcription Notes:
Not a "3 Columned", but a "4 Columned" Table. Changed it. *Also, there are NO Headings stated, so don't create your own. Leave blank. removed table markings; just a simple list