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[[left margin]] Nininger [[/left margin]]
rank of general officers. The commutation allowed at present bears no proportion to the rent charged for rooms, and other expenses of officers are as great as in any city in the Union

Very Respectfully
Your Obedient Servant
Signed Wager Swayne
Major General Comdg.

C Headquarters Dist. of Ala
Montgomery, June 26 1866

Capt A.R. Nininger
Asst. Adjt. Genl.
Dept of the South
I have the honor to transmit herewith monthly Return for May and Tri-monthly Return of May 31st from Post of Mobile
Very Respectfully 
Your Obedient Servant
Signed Wager Swayne
Major General

[[left margin]] Dawson [[/left margin]]
Headquarters Dist of Alabama
Montgomery, June 26 1866

Lt. Col. S. K. Dawson
15 US Infantry
Comdg Post of Mobile

I have the honor to return the enclosed Report for correction and completion.

The total of column 8 is 14 which I presume is to be accounted for by some of the officers being entered twice or more on the Report.

If such is the case the fact, with their names, should be entered in the column of "Remarks"


The following footings are incorrect.  Column 11—3d line, Column 18, 3d & 4th lines 
Column 29—3d & 4th lines, Column 31, 3d & 4th lines

You will please correct and return to these Headquarters by return of mail

By order of 
Major General Wager Swayne
(Signed) O.D. Kinsman

[[left margin]] Lyon [[/left margin]]
Headquarters Dist of Alabama
Montgomery Ala June 26 1866

F.S. Lyon Esq
Demopolis Alabama

Dear Sir,
I am in receipt of your note of 19th inst. The conduct to which you refer can only be explained by supposing that it was designed to give private parties an opportunity if not to defeat the title of the United States, at least to extort some compromise from you.  If you will talk with Mr Shephard, he will tell you of the advances made to him in this direction

Such declarations as you ascribe to Mr Huckabee of course estop him from opposing his own interest in any way to yours.  Besides, Mr Shephard told me that the result of a conference of himself and his partners at the time of the sale to the Confederate States was, that they sold willingly, and for ample consideration
The information you desire from the Attorney General's office, I will cheerfully assist you to procure.

Your Obedient Servant
(Signed) Wager Swayne
Maj. Genl.