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Head Quarters, Dist of Alabama
Montgomery 26 June 1866

[[left margin]] Woods [[/left margin]]
Bv't. Maj. Gen Charles R. Woods
Commanding Department
Macon, Georgia.

I am in receipt of a telegram of this date from Capt. Nininger A A G asking for charges against Captain Steinberg and for names of volunteer officers to serve on Court Martial.

Two of the accomplices of Steinberg will be heard tomorrow before the U.S. Commissioner. Numerous witnesses have been summoned, and after that time charges can be made so much more full and accurate than at present that their preparation was postponed till then. They will be forwarded as soon as possible.

I propose to run down to Mobile tonight for a day or two, to look into matters there, and get acquainted with the command. On my return I should like to run over and see you for a day or two, if you will have the goodness to send me an order so to do.  

Having no officer of the Quarter Masters Department here, and being sadly in need of a District Quartermaster, I have ordered Captain Reynolds, the ranking officer, here from Huntsville for that purpose.

The only Volunteer Officers we have here that could be assigned to Court Martial duty without leaving duties of an important class to go unfilled are Bvt Major O.D. Kinsman, Asst. Adjt Genl. who needs rest, and whose duties we might for a time divide amongst us, and Lieut George F. Browning Vet Re Corps Post Quartermaster, who might leave his matters to his Clerks enough to sit on 


a Court Martial here. We have had our force so reduced that when one was sick we had to have recourse to a civilian

Very Respectfully,
Your Obedient Servant,
(Signed) Wager Swayne.
Major General.

Headquarters Dist. of Alabama
Montgomery, June 27, 1866.

[[left margin]] Woods [[/left margin]]
Maj. Gen. C.R Woods
Com'g Dept of the South
Macon Ga

As Gen. Swayne was starting for Mobile last night, he requested me to say to you in forwarding the enclosed letter that he would be glad if you would defer any action in appointing a Court Martial in the case of Capt. Steinberg until his return.

Very Respectfully Your Obt Servant
(Signed) C. Cadle, Jr.
Bvt Col & A.A.G.