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Hd. Qrs. District of Montgomery
Montgomery Ala. January 5th 1866. 

Officer Commanding 
58th Illinois Infantry Vols.

The General Commanding directs you to prefer or cause to be preferred charges against Privates Robert N. Norton and James J. McLandon of your command, - according to the enclosed statement of Lieut. J. Rippstein. 

The additional charges of Desertion and forging Muster-Out Documents will be preferred from these Head-Quarters. 

There was a pistol and bowie knife taken away from one of them by the patrols, which will be delivered to this Office with the charges. 

Very Respectfully 
Your obdt Servt 
E. Snyder 
Lieut. A.D.C. 

Hd. Qrs District of Montgomery 
Montgomery Ala. Jan. 6th 1865.

Adjt Gen'l. U. S. Army
Washington D.C. 
Adjt Gen'l. Assistant 
Department of Alabama. 

I have the honor to transmit herewith the Monthly Return of the District of Montgomery for the month of December 1865.

Very Respectfully 
Your obdt Servt
D.W. Magee 


Hd. Qrs. District of Montgomery 
Montgomery Ala. Jan. 6th 1865.

Adjt. Gen'l. U.S. Army
Washington D.C. 
Adjt. Gen'l. Assistant
Department of Alabama.
I have the honor to transmit herewith the Tri-Monthly Return of the District of Montgomery for the 31st day of December 1865. 

Very Respectfully 
Your obdt Servt 
D.W. Magee 

Hd. Qrs. District of Montgomery 
Montgomery Ala. Jan. 5th 1866.

Adjt. Gen'l. U.S. Army
Washington D.C. 
Adjt Gen'l. Assistant 
Military Division of the Tennessee. 
Adjt. Gen'l. Assistant
Department of Alabama. 

In compliance with Circular Orders from Head-Quarters Department of Alabama, dated August 28th 1865, I have the honor to transmit copies of General and 
Special-Orders, issued from these Headquarters this day.
Very Respectfully 
Your obdt. Servt. 
D.W. Magee 

Transcription Notes:
Mager or Magee?