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In the cases marked 14 and 15 the approval has been revoked according to instructions, as it is impracticable to convene the court again for correction;- and overmore both sentences are acquitals.

I have the honor to be
Very respectfully
Your obdt Srvt. 
D.W. Magee
Bvt. Brig. General.

Head Quarter Dist. of Montgomery
Montgomery Ala. Jan. 16th. 1866

Wilson Fred H.  
Bvt. Lieut. Colonel Ass. Adjt. General
Department of Alabama

I respectfully request to be relieved from command of the District of Montgomery,  as I am to be mustered out of the service, with my Regiment, the 47" Illinois Infty Vls.

Colonel R.W. Healy 58" Illinois Infty. Vols. is the ranking Officer of the Command.

I have the honor to be, Colonel
Very respectfully
Your obdt. Servant
D.W. Magee
Brevet Brigd. General.

Head Quarters Dist. of Montgomery 
Montgomery Ala. Jan. 13. 1866.

Adjutant Gl.  U. S. Army
Washington D.C.
Ass. Adjt. Gl.  Military Divis. of the Tenn. 
Ass. Adjt. Gl.  Department of Alabama.

In Compliance with Circular Order from Head Quarters, Department of Alabama, dated August 28, 1865, I have the to transmit copies of General and Special Orders, issued from these Head Quarters, this day.

I have the honor to be, Sir,
Very Respectfully, Your obdt servt
DW. Magee
Brevet. Brigd. General.


Head Quart. Distr. of Montgomery.
Montgomery Ala. Jan. 15 1866

Adjt. General  U.S. Army
Washington D.C.
Adjt. Gener.  Assistant
Military Division of the Tennessee
Adjt. Gener.  Assistant
Department of Alabama

In compliance with Circular Order from Head Quarters, Department of Alabama, dated August 28, 1865, I have the honor to transmit copies of General and Special Orders, issued from the Headquarters, this day

I have the honor to be, Sir,
Very Respectfully
Your obedt ser'vt.
D.W. Magee
Brevet Brigd. General

Hd. Qrs. Dist. of Montgomery
Montgomery Ala. Jan. 16. 1866.

Adjt. General  U. S. Army
Washington D.C
Adjt. General  Assistant
Military Division of the Tennessee
Adjt. General  Assistant 
Department of Alabama

I have the honor to transmit herewith indexes to General and special Orders, issued at these Head Quarters during the year 1865.

Very Respectfully
Your obdt. ser'vt
D.W. Magee
Bvt. Brig. General 

Hd. Qrs. District of Montgomery
Montgomery Ala. Jan. 16. 1866

Adjt. General  U. S. Army
Washington D.C.
Adjt. Gener.  Assistant
Military Division of the Tennessee