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I have the honor to herewith transmit the Proceedings of a Military Commission, in the cases of James Duffie, Abraham Hooper & John Johnson, Citizens 
I have the honor to be, Colonel 
Very Respectfully 
Your obed't sev't 
R. W. Healy 
Colonel 58 Ills. Infty. Vls.
Commdg. District

30 Head Qrs. Distr. of Montgomery
Montgomery Ala. Jan. 30. 1866.

[[left margin]]Officer[[\left margin]] Commanding
Post of Greenville

In reply to the tellegram received, I am directed by the Colonel commanding to say that the authority asked for cannot be given, except the case is fully known.
At your own discretion, and of course, on your own responsibility you can make arrests of Citizens rendered necessary by circumstances. 
I am, Sir
Very Respectfully
Your obed't serv't 
E. Snyder
Lieut and A. D. C.

31 Head Qrs. Distr. of Montgomery
Montgomery Ala. Jan. 30 1866
[[left margin]]Wilson Fr. W.[[\left margin]] Asst Adjt. General
Department of Alabama

I have the honor to request instructions in relation to furnishing assistance to Treasury Agents, within my District and as to what Agent or Agents assistance should be given.
There are in this City four or five Agents who appear to be acting independently of each other and between whom a conflict of authority exists. W. E. Dillon.

Esq. is the Agent regularly appointed, for this portion of the District of M. Buckley, Chief of this Agency, and he claims that Agents acting by Authority of Mr. Tomly at Mobile, have no right to carry on their operations in his (Dillons) District, and that Military Assistance should not be furnished them. There is also here a Mr. Lazare acting at large by authority of the Treasury Department, to seize cotton 3/4 of which is to be appropriated to his own benefit.
He applied this morning for a squad of men to seize for him one hundert bales of cotton in this city but submitted no proof that it is government property and refuses to show proof, saying that military authorities have no right to ask it. The local Agent Mr. Dillon objects to Mr. Lazare proceedings on the ground that his authority does not extend to shipping points - I have withheld assistance from all till such time as I shall ascertain what party is entitled to it. 
I enclose a copy of an order of Genl. Davies, touching Treasury Agents: Shall its provisions be followed as a rule? 
Very Respectfully
Your obedient Servant
R.W. Healy 
Colonel 58 Ill. Infty Vls.
Commdg. District

32 Head Qrs. Distr. of Montgomery
Montgomery Ala Jan. 31 1866.
[[left margin]]Lehmann, Durr[[\left margin]] & Cie Messrs.
The Colonel Commanding directs that you immediately turn over to Mr. Lazare, Treasury Agent, for shipment one hundred Bales of Cotton the property of the United States, claimed by Peter Driskel. 
Prompt obedience of this Order will spare you the trouble of a military occupation of your Warehouse and the Military Authorities the necessity of violently inforcing it. 
Very Respectfully
Your obedt. Servant
E. Snyder
Lt and A. D. C.