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Head Qrs. Distr. of Montgomery.
Montgomery Ala Febr. 3' 1866.

Adjut General U. S. Army
Washington D. C.
Adjut General Assistant
Department of Alabama. 

I have the honor to transmit herewith the monthly Return of the District of Montgomery for the month of January 1866.

Very Respectfully
Your obed't serv't
R.W. Healy
Colonel 58" Ills. Infty. Vls.
Commdg. District.

Head Qrs. Distr. of Montgomery
Montgomery Ala. Febr. 3' 1866

Adjut General U. S. Army 
Washington D. C. 
Adjut General Assistant
Department of Alabama.

I have the honor to transmit herewith the tri monthly Return of the District of Montgomery for the 31st day of January 1866. 

Very Respectfully
Your obed't serv't
R. W. Healy
Colonel 58" Ills. Infty. Vls.
Commdg. District.

Head Qrs. Distr. of Montgomery
Montgomery Ala. Febr. 6' 1866

Inspector Genl Acting
Department of Alabama


Endorsed please find the Inspection Report of Station Return for the month of January 1866, there being no proper Blanks of Inspection Reports on hand, it had to be made on on the "Consolidated Morning" Blank.

Special Report
58" Illinois Infantry Vls. Major W. B. Putis commanding.


Discipline "Good" Instruction "Good" Military Appearance " Good" Quarters and Camp Clean and neat
Sanitary condition "Very Good"

Stationed at Montgomery Ala.
178" New York Infty. Vls.  Battallion of five Companies 
Major Albert Koehne commanding
Discipline "Good" Instruction "Good" Military Appearance "Good" Quarters Clean and good
Health "Very good"

Stationed Co. " A. C. and D at Greenville Co's "D" and B. at Montgomery Ala.
8" Iowa Infty. Vls.  Major S. Rankin of 8" Iowa Infty. Commanding. 
Discipline "fair"  Instruction "Good"  Military Appearance "only fair"  Quarters "Good"  Health " Very Good"

Stationed & Co's at Selma, Co's "A" and "G" at Demopolis Ala.
The health of the troops is good - some few cases of small-pox occasionally happen.  Provisions are good, Clothing regularly supplied
The command was paid to include June the 30' 1865.

I have the honor to be
Very Respectfully
Your obedt servant
E Snyder
Lieut. and A. D. C.

Hd. Qrs. Distr. of Montgomery
Montgomery Ala. february 7' 1866

Palmer S.R. Lieut.
A. A. Q. M.
District Montgomery

In accordance with Par. 8. Gl. O. No. 29, ex 1865 O.M. Genl. Office U.S.A. Lieut. S.R. Palmer A.A.Q.M. will institute proceedings against the Steamer "St. Charles" for purpose of collecting the money value of certain Comissary Stores, lost or destroyed while on board of said Boat in transit from Mobile to Montgomery Ala, the responsibility for which having fixed on said steamer by a Board of Survey.

By Order of Colonel R.W. Healy
E. Snyder
Lieut and A.D.C