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Head Quarters Distr. of Montgomery
Montgomery Ala Febry. 7th 1866.

Adjut. General  U. S. Army 
Washington D.C. 
Adjut. General  Assistant 
Military Division of the Tennessee
Adjut. General  Assistant 
Department of Alabama

In compliance with Circular Order from Head Quarters Departm. of Alabama dated August 28, 1865. I have the honor to transmit copies of General and Special Orders, issued from these Head Quarters this day.

I have the honor to be, Sir
Very Respectfully 
Your obed't serv't
R. W. Healy
Colonel, 58" Ills. Infty. Vls.
Commdg. District

Head Quarters Distr. of Montgomery
Montgomery Ala Febry 7th 1866

Officer  Commanding 
Post of Selma

The following named Officers and Enlisted Men will be sent to this place, to appear as wittnesses before the Genl Court Martial in Session in the case of the U.S. versus Lieut. G.M. Cunningham and Sergt. Elizah Sullivan 47" Ills. Infty. Vls. 
first Lieutanent Wm. Kirkpatrick
Lieut John Betz
Corporal Alexander Harper
Corporal Robert H. Watters.

By Order of Colon. R. W. Healy
E Snyder
Lieut. and A.D.C.

Head Quarters Distr. of Montgomery
Montgomery Ala Febry 7' 1866

Officer  Commanding 
Post of Selma


The Colonel commanding directs me to say to you in reply to your letter of the 3d. instant, that, as the Post of Demopolis is abandoned as such by G.O. No. 6 c.s. from these Hd. Qrs, The Actg. assistant Q.M. and Commissary at Demopolis will have to turn over all stores etc. to the regular Q.M. and C.S. at Selma, and the Detachment at Demopolis be subject and included in the Post Selma and supplied from there.

The relieval of Capt. Muhs is not considered necessary, as the Regiment would have to detail another Officer in his place, and overmore the Court Martial will be dissolved before long.

I have the honor to be, Colonel
Very Respectfully
Your obedt Servant
E. Snyder
Lieut. and A.D.C.

Head Qrs. Distr. of Montgomery
Montgomery Ala. February 12’ 66.

Adjut. Genl.   U. S. Army                 
Washington D. C.
Adjut. Genl.   Assistant 
Military Division of the Tennessee
Adjut. Genl.   Assistant 
Department of Alabama

In compliance with Circular Orders from Head Quarters Department of Alabama dated August 28" 1865, I have the honor to transmit copies of General and Special Orders issued from these Head Quarters this day

I have the Honor to be, Sir
Very Respectfully
Your obed't servant
R.W. Healy
Col. 58" Ills. Infty. Vls.
Commdg. District

Head Qrs Distr. of Montgomery
Montgomery Ala. February 12’ 66.

Wilson Fred H.  Assist. Adjt. General 
Department of Alabama