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In relation to the case of James Hadden Private 178th N.Y. Infty., I have the honor to report that his statements in the enclosed letter are generally true, except his statement that he was drunk when he gave his testimony to the Provost Marshal, which is false. Whether his statement on oath to the Prov. Marshal the day after the offence was committed is true or false is doubtfull. I think all the prisoners (except Hadden, Feeny and Malone who are in addition convicted of Highway Robbery) should be allowed the benefit of that doubt.
When brought before the Court Martial to testify, Hadden stood mute on the ground, that altho' he recollected making some sort of a statement to the Provost Marshall, yet he did not recollect what that statement was, and did not recollect implicating any of the prisoners. Hence his statement came to the court second handed thro' Lt Rockefeller Provost Marshal and Lt. Col. Gandolfo 178th N.Y. This was the only testimony adduced against the prisoners and that on which they were convicted.
The sentences in the cases when not optional with the Court, it being governed in the matter by the code of Alabama in accordance with sec. 30 of the Conscript Act of 1863.
Very Respectfully
Your obed't Servt
R.W. Healy
Bvt. Brig. General

Head Qrs. Distr. of Montgomery
Montgomery Ala february 26th 1866
Adjut. General U.S. Army
Washington D.C.
Adjut. General Assistant
Military Division of the Tennessee
Adjut. General Assistant
Department of Alabama.
In compliance with Circular Orders from Head Quarters Dept of Alabama I have the honor to transmit herewith General and Special Orders issued from these Head Quarters this day.
I have the honor to be, Sir
Very Respectfully
Your obedt Servant
R.W. Healy
Bvt. Brig. General
Colonel 58th Ills. Infty. Vls.

Head Qrs. Distr. of Montgomery
Montgomery Ala february 27th 1866
Adjut. General U.S. Army
Washington D.C.
Adjut. General Assistant
Military Division of the Tennessee
Adjut. General Assistant
Department of Alabama.
In compliance with Circular Order from Head Quarters Department of Alabama dated August 28th 1865. I have the honor to transmit herewith General and Special Orders issued from these Head Quarters this day.
I have the honor to be, Sir
Very Respectfully
Your obedt Servant
R.W. Healy
Bvt. Brig. General
Colonel 58th Ills. Infty. Vls.

Head Quart. Distr. of Montgomery.
Montgomery Ala. March 1st 1866
Adjt. General U.S. Army
Washington D.C.
Adjt. General Assistant
Military Division of the Tennessee
Adjut. General Assistant
Department of Alabama.
In compliance with Circular Order from Head Quarters Dept. of Alabama dated August 28th 1865 I have the honor to transmit herewith General and Special Orders issued from these Head Quarters this day.