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responsible for all the acts of Smith done by its authority.  Parties from whom he, as the agent of the Government, took private Cotton on suspicion that it belonged to govt. will be remunerated on proving that it was private Cotton and presenting their claims to the proper authority.

There may be cases where government Agents seized and carried off private cotton, supposing the same belong to government, but this is not as you term it stealing, the United States being responsible for the act.

If Smith seized and carried off private Cotton, after his authority was revoked by the Secretary of the Treasury, you should report all the facts of the case to these Head Quarters or to Genl. Woods at Mobile and you will undoubtedly be permitted to proceed against him.  As it is the Military Authorities have heard only Smiths side of the case.

Very Respectfully etc.
R.W. Healy
Bvt. Brig. Genl.

Hd. Qrs. Dist. of Montgomery.
Montgomery Ala.  March 19th 1866

Dougherty Hon. Robert
Judge of Circuit Court
Macon County  Ala.


It having been reported that suit is about to be instituted in your court against Mr. William Alley of Macon County, for alleged grand larceny in seizing by authority of the Treasury Department of the Government, Cotton belonging to the United States, I have the honor to enclose herewith a copy of Genl. Order No. 3 War Dept. Jan. 12, 1866, touching all cases, such as that in print and to inform you that in accordance with its provisions the Military Authorities cannot permit the trial of Mr. Alley to proceed.  All seizures of Cotton made by him, were made by authority of the United


States government, which alone is responsible for his acts. 

Should Mr. Alley be arrested a force will necessarily be sent to release and protect him.

Respectfully etc
R.W. Healy
Bvt. Brig. Genl. U.S.V

Head quart. Distr. of Montgomery
Montgomery Ala.  March 20 1866

Wilson Lt. Colonel Fred H.
Asst. Adjt. Genl.
Department of Alabama


I have the honor to report that in accordance with instructions contained in the letter of Capt. R. Rees of date the 3d. inst. I directed Capt. Chs. Scott jr. Provost Marshal to collect all information possible in relation to the cotton operation of John Y. Clopper, G.P. Floyd and others during the months of May, June and July 1865.  I forward his report herewith.  There was doubtless much more cotton taken by the parties from this District than the amount reported, but it would require a longer time to ascertain names of parties from whom it was taken.  There is no doubt from all I can learn that enormous frauds were committed by them, but it is impossible to obtain the evidence, for the reason that the Rebel holders of the Cotton were implicated in the transaction.  It appears that Clopper & Floyd operated together, the former never interfering with government cotton bought by the cotton from Rebel holders.

Very Respectfully
Your obedt. servant
R.W. Healy
Colonel 58" Ills. Infty. Vls.
Bvt. Brig. Genl.

Hd. Qrs. Dist of Montgomery
Montgomery Ala.  March 21" 1866.

Wilson Lt Col. Fred H.
Assist. Adjt. Genl. Dept. of Alabama