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I have the honor to report that a "True Bill" has been found by the Grand Jury of Macon Co. against William Alley Esq. of the same county, for alleged "Grand Larceny" in seizing government Cotton from the possession of Rebelholders, by authority of S.F. Powers, and A.H. Lazar Esqrs. Special Agents of the Treasury Dept. and James L. Smith Esq. U.S. District Attorney. The Cotton, for the seizure of which Mr. Alley is accused of Grand Larceny, has been partly condemned and appreciated by the U.S. Government and is partly in the hands of the U.S. Marshal here undergoing investigation. The bill is pending against him in the Circuit Court. of Macon Co. of which Robert Dougherty is Judge and John Bilbrough, Clerk.
The bail for his release, if arrested has been put as such an extraordinary high figure that Alley was obliged to fly from home to avoid imprisonment.
In this case I respectfully recommend, that you issue such an order as has been issued in the case of J Condit Smith of Barbour Co.

I have served the Judge with a copy of Genl. Grants G.O.N. 3. and notified him that under its provisions the trial of Alley could not be permitted to proceed.

Very Respectfully
Your obedt Servt.
R.W. Healy
Col. 58' Ills. Infty. Vols
Bvt. Brig Genl. U.S. Vols.

Head Qrs. Dist of Montgomery
Montgomery Ala. March 22" 1866.

Adjut. Genl. U.S. Army
Washington D.C.
Adjut. Genl. Assistant
Department of Alabama.

I have the honor to transmit herewith the Monthly Return of the District of Montgomery.


for the 20' day of March 1866.

I have the honor to be Sir.
Very Respectfully
Your obedt Servant
R.W. Healy
Bvt. Brig. General.
Colonel 58' Ills. Infty. Vls.

Head Qrs. Dist of Montgomery
Montgomery Ala. March 26" 1866

Adjut. Genl. U.S. Army
Washington D.C.
Adut. Genl. Assistant
Military Division of the Tennessee
Adjut. Genl. Assistant
Department of Alabama

In compliance with Circular Order from Head Qrs. Department of Alabama dated August 28th. 1865. I have the honor to transmit herewith General and Special Orders issued from these Head Quarters this day.

I have the honor to be, Sir.
Very Respectfully
Your obedient Servant
R.W. Healy
Bvt Brig. General.
Colonel 58' Ills Infty Vls.

Hd Qrs. Dist of Montgomery
Montgomery Ala March 28' 1866

Wilson Bvt. Lt. Col. Fred. H.
Assis't Adjut. General
Department of Alabama

In relation to telegram of Maj. Genl. C.R. Woods dated 27' inst, I have the honor to report that Leslie Ellis is supposed to have gone to Nashville Tenn. and is expected back the latter part of this week.