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preclude such mishaps as sometimes befall private bills. I have caused an amendment to be attached to the new Bureau bill in the Senate, giving the Commissioner general powers of the same nature. The bill has already passed the House. The amendment will be taken charge of there by the Chairman of the Committee on Freedmen Mr Elliott and will without doubt be passed. 

I request that such necessity has come upon us, and shall endeavor not to fail you in carrying it through

Very Respectfully
Your Obedient Servant
Wager Swayne 
Major General. 

Head Quarters Dist of Alabama
Montgomery June 24th 1866

[[left margin]]  49/61 [[/left margin]]

Howard Maj Gen. O.O.
Commissioner &c 
Washington D.C. 


I have the honor to transmit herewith the following The following Reports for the Month of May 1866.

Monthly Report of Refugees
Monthly Report of Freedmen
Monthly Report of Lands 
Monthly Report of Changes and assignments of Officers

Very Respectfully
Your Obedient Servant 
Wager Swayne
Major General


Head Quarters Dist of Alabama
Montgomery June 20th 1866

[[left margin]] 60/65 [[/left margin]]

Howard Maj General O.O. 
Washington D.C. 


I have the honor to inform you with great regret, that Capt. F. O Steinberg V.R.C. Agent and A.C.S. at Greenville Butler County has been by my order put under arrest, and will as soon as possible be placed in confinement, for fraudulent sales of subsistence stores during the present month and the month proceeding.

Statements involving this officer were made some time since, and the Adjutant General and the State Commissioner were sent separately to Greenville to investigate them, but without success. As the rumors continued I then applied privately to my friend Mr Crenshaw, President of the State Senate to make inquiry. On Saturday evening I received a letter from Mr. C. giving memoranda of a number of nefarious transactions. An officer was immediately sent there who verified these accusations, took charge of the property of the Government at that post, and returned last night. He will return this evening with some men to arrest and confine all the parties concerned, who are in the service of the Government and bring them to Montgomery. 

Meanwhile I have employed counsel to prosecute the purchasers. The offense is not punishable by laws of the United States, but I am advised that it is so by the State laws.  

The aggregate of these transactions seems to amount to three or four thousand dollars. A large portion of the Stores, however, have not been resold, and will without difficulty be recovered.

A Court Martial will be convened here as soon as a suitable detail is made up.

You will be kept advised of the progress of this matter from time to time.

When Generals Steadman and Fullerton were here, in giving them an account of each Station