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Head Quarters Dist of Alabama
Montgomery July 12th 1866

Arthur Capt W. C.
Com'r. Subsistence
Montgomery Ala

I have the honor to forward herewith an estimate of the amount of rations to be issued to the destitute people of this State in the month of August 1866.
Very Respectfully
Your Obedient Servant
O. D. Kinsman
Bvt Maj & A.A.G.

Head Quarters Dist of Alabama
Montgomery July 14th 1866

Ogilby Bvt. Maj. F. D.
Comdg Post
Selma Ala

Please have the Selma Court House building vacated at once.  Whatever measures or expenditures may be necessary will be assumed here.
Your Obedient Servant
Wager Swayne
Maj. Gen.

Head Quarters Dist of Alabama
Montgomery July 14yh 1866

Howard Maj. Genl. O. O.
Commissioner &c
Washington D.C.

I have the honor to transmit herewith the following Reports for the Month of June 1966
Monthly Report of Refugees
Monthly Report of Freedmen
Monthly Report of Lands
Monthly Report of Changes and assignments of Officers


Very Respectfully
Your Obedient Servant
Wager Swayne
Major General

Head Quarters Dist of Alabama
Montgomery  July 14th 1866

McGuire Hon Moses
Probate Judge
Tuscaloosa, Ala.

I am directed by the Major General Comdg. to say to you that he has had recently two interviews with a Mr. William Jamieson, a Citizen of your place. This Mr Jamieson informs General Swayne that gross irregularities are practiced in the issue of rations to the people of your County that at least four fifths (4/5) of the rations issued are superfluous, that persons under Contract and able to labor are drawing rations and dividing them with their employers who are in many cases represented to be wealthy plants, that the issue as at present conducted under your advice is fraught with evil and is the cause of many persons remaining in idleness who would otherwise seek employment. If the facts are as stated by Mr Jamieson a gross imposition is being practiced on the Government, by the people of your County. The Major General Comdg does not supposed that you are a party to this alleged iniquity, but concludes if the statement is true that you are being imposed upon by false asservations of destitution.
He wishes you to investigate the cases of all parties applying for assistance with a view to prevent any occurrence of such frauds as Mr Jamieson asserts are being practiced.
He suggests that you call on such good Citizens as take an interest in the welfare of your County for assistance in ferreting out the parties who as it is alleged have practiced these impositions. Mr Jamieson himself will certainly be able to give you the names of some of the parties as he seemed to have enquired into the case, and was evidently actuated by a desire to save the Government form loss. For some time 

Transcription Notes:
edited: corrections