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Head Quarters Dist of Alabama 
Montgomery July 19th 1866

Howard Maj Genl. O O.
Commissioner &c
Washington D.C.

I have the honor transmit herewith in accordance with your letter of date July 12th 1866 Roster of Officers and Civilians on 
duty in the Bureau of Refugees Freedmen &c State of Alabama 
Very Respectfully 
Your Obedient Servant 
C Cadle Jr
Bvt Col & A A Genl.

Head Quarters Dist of Alabama 
Montgomery July 19 1866

Nininger Capt A Ramsey
AA Genl.
Dept of the South 
Macon Ga

I have the honor to transmit herewith in accordance with your letter of date July 16th 1866 the Roster of Officers and Civilian on duty in the Bureau of Refugees Freedmen &c State of Alabama 
Very Respectfully 
Your Obdt Servant 
C Cadle Jr
Bvt Col & AA Genl. 

Head Quarters Dist of Alabama
Montgomery July 20th. 1866

Nininger Capt A Ramsey
A A. Gen'l. Dept of the South
Macon, Ga.

I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of General Court Martial Orders No. 152 Current Series from the War Dept, and to report that the order has been duly executed


Very Respectfully
Your Obdt Servant
C Cadle Jr
Bvt Col & A.A Genl
The Maj Genl. Comdg being absent

Head Quarters District of Alabama
Montgomery Ala July 20th 1866

Howard Maj Genl. O. O.
Commissioner bureau Refugees Freedmen.
Washington D.C.

I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your telegram of the 16th inst. concerning complaints of great destitution reported to be existing in certain Counties of North Alabama.
The rations as reported in the estimate for the present Month a Copy of which was forwarded on the 22 Ult. have already been furnished these Counties.
these counties have also had shipped to them by the Governor of the State, a portion of which has been received. Five Hundred sacks of Corn each.
In addition to this, assistance has been given, by private donations from Northern cities. It is supposed that there is no extreme suffering existing there at present.
Mr. Cruikshank State Commissioner is of this opinion.
Very Respectfully
Your Obdt Servant
C Cadle Jr
Bvt Col & AA Genl
The Maj Genl. Comdg being absent

Head Quarters Dist of Alabama
Montgomery July 20th 1866

Howard Maj. Genl. O. O.
Coms'r. Bureau Refugees Freedmen &c

I have the honor to report that the transportation order for Mrs Charlotte Bolling Mrs. Eliza Fauntleroy and Thirteen (13) Children from this point to Fosters Monroe Va. has been delivered to Mr John S Corbin who made the application in their favor and in accordance with your endorsement of July 2nd in said application (over)

Transcription Notes:
edited: corrections, also completed transcribing the page