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St Stephens District
Mobile 253,303    
Baldwin 514,965 
Washington 77,661
Clarke 144,569  

Elba District
General 285,849    
Covington 318,343
Coffee 262,145
Dale 199,787
Henry 210,797

Very Respectfully
Your Obdt Servant 
C Cadle Jr
Bvt Col & AA Genl.
The Asst Commissioner being absent

Head Quarters Dist of Alabama
Montgomery July 28th 1866

Nininger Capt A Ramsey
Asst Adjt Gen'l Dept of the South


I have the honor to forward herewith a copy of an order from Dol Dawson, then Commanding at Mobile directing Bvt Capt Mason Jackson with the now commissioned Staff of the 1st Batt 15th U.S. Infty to report for duty at the Hd Qrs of the Batt at Mount Vernon.  And also to forward the letters of Maj Edw [[?l]] Hudson and Capt G.M. Brayton, 15th U.S. Infty in referencce to the same matter.

I would respectfully recommend that Capt Jackson be ordered to report to Maj Hudson at Mt. Vernon.

Very Respectfully
Your Obedient Servant
C Cadle Jr
Bvt Col & A.A. Genl.
The Maj Genl Comdg being absent


Head Quarters Dist of Alabama
Montgomery  July 28th 1866

Nininger Capt A Ramsey
Asst Adjt Genl
Dept of the South
Macon Ga


I have the honor to state that I was informed by Gov Patton this afternoon that a band of Outlaws were engaged in St Clair County in burning houses, and robbing the people, that the Civil Authorities were powerless in the matter, and that he might be obliged to call in the Military Authorities for assistance.

That he had Telegraphed to the State Official at Talladega to go into St Clair and investigate, and that he would take no action until he heard from him.  He stated that the band as reported to him, consisted of from Forty to One Hundred men, and that they defied all civil authority.

Since hearing Governor Patton's statement the enclosed report has been received from our Supt at Talladega which places a different phase on the affair.  From this report it will appear that the trouble is between Union men and Rebels, growing out of an attack of the latter on the former, and that one of the union men has been killed but no action taken by the Civil Authorities.

If considered necessary by the Maj Genl Comdg. an Officer can be sent from these Hd Qrs to investigate the affair, and he can be furnished with a small guard from Selma should he find that the circumstances warrant, he can arrest the party who committed the Murder.

Very Respectfully
Your Obedient Servant
C Cadle Jr
Bvt Col & A.A. Genl.
The Comdg Genl being absent