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Head Quarters District of Alabama
Montgomery August 9th 1866

Nininger Bvt Lt Col A.R.
AAG Dept of the South
Macon Ga.


I have the honor to forward herewith a copy of a Resolution passed by the General Court Martial convened by S.O. 15 Hd Qrs Dept of the South, Current Series, a copy of it having been received by me this morning, six days after its passage.

I forward also a copy of a telegram received from Bvt Capt. Honey Judge Advocate on the 2nd inst, and a copy of my reply thereto on the same date

I have the honor to respectfully protest against the approval of a resolution, concerning me for doing what I then considered and do still consider my simple duty.

I desire to Submit to the Bvt Maj Genl. Commanding the Department the following facts.

1. That by S.O. 33 Ext. 2. Hd Qrs Dept of the South Current series, I was relieved from duty on the General Court Martial convened for the trial of Capt Meredith and others, and that consequently my telegram of the 2nd inst to Capt Honey was strictly correct.

2. That if at the date of Capt Honey's telegram I had still been a member of the Court, an order of the Court would have been necessary to summon my attendance;  and that a summons signed by the Judge Advocate without the prefix "By order of the Court" is not by "By order of the Court".

3. That I am unable to see how the simple statement of a fact, worded in unobjectionable language can be "highly disrespectful" in its "tone" and deserving of the gravest censure from the General Commanding the Department.

In conclusion, I would respectfully request that so much of the record of proceedings in the case of Captain Meredith as contains this resolution of censure, may be disapproved by the Bvt Major General commanding the Department.


I have the honor to be
Very Respectfully
Your Obdt Servant
O.D. Kinsman
Bvt Maj & A.A.G.

Head Quarters District of Alabama
Montgomery August 9, 1866

Whiting Capt J.L.
Supt. B.R.F. & A.L.
Mobile Ala


I forward you herewith a communication from Col Callis asking collection of his postage account.
Will you please collect and remit him by express direct.

Very Respectfully
Your Obdt Servant
O.D. Kinsman
Bvt. Maj. & A.A.G.

Head Quarters District of Alabama
Montgomery August 9, 1866

Callis Bvt Col JB
Supt B.R.F. & A.L.
Huntsville Ala


Your communication of the 6th inst enclosing your vouches for postage in July is received.  I forward them by mail today to Mobile with directions for the money to be expressed to you direct.

Hereafter the most expeditious way for you will be to send them direct to Capt L.J. Whiting Act Supt at Mobile with request that he will collect for you.

Very respectfully
Your Obdt Servant 
O.D. Kinsman
Bvt Maj & A.A.G.