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By way of comment, I have to say that all of the above named officers are confidently believed to be temperate, faithful, thoroughly honest and possessed of that degree of intelligence and gentlemanly bearing due to the service from the positions to which they are severally recommended.

Capt. Whiting is made the subject of special mention in view of the fact he has lost his left arm in the service.
Bvt Maj C W Pierce has won special commendation both for fidelity and capacity, before and during his connection with the Bureau.  He is in every way considered eligible to an appointment as Captain, but as his experience and desires point to the Quartermasters Department he is presented for either.

The same may be truly said of Lieutenant Browning, who has served under my personal inspection.

Very Respectfully,
Your Obdt Servant,
Wager Swayne
Maj. Genl. & Asst Commr.

Head Quarters Dist. of Alabama
Montgomery August 21, 1866

Theune Bvt Maj. R.
Supt B. R. F. & A.L.
Talladega Ala.


I forward you by todays mail twelve (12) more blank Reports of Refugees and Freedmen.
Why you have not received those sent on the 14th inst. I do not know as they were certainly sent.

Very Respectfully
Your Obdt Servant,
O.D. Kinsman
Bvt. Maj. & A.A.G.


Head Quarters District of Alabama
Montgomery August 21st 1866

Howard Maj. Genl. O.O.
Commr Bureau Refugees Freedmen &c
Washington D.C.


I have the honor to transmit herewith the Report called for by the Act of the house of Representatives U.S. Congress passed May 28, 1866

Report of the Assistant Commissioner of the Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands for the State of Alabama made in compliance with a resolution of the House of Representatives United States Congress passed May 28 1866

Amount of Funds received since organization and up to April 1st 1866

Source from whence received
Transferred from Asst Commr of Louisiana   $4000.00
From Contracts  1765.35
From Rents  802.88
From Sale of Abandoned Property  11,674.83
Loan from Commissioner of Bureau  5000.00
From Farm Produce  491.46
From Sale of Briarfield Iron Works  45000.00
From Sale of Blocade Runner  27,351.93
From Fines in Freedmens Courts  187.25
On Sundry Accounts  59.29

Manner of Expenditure
For Pay of Contract Surgeons  $5353.14
For Pay of Employees  11176.10
For Printing  994.95
For Hospitals & Colonies  1858.26
For Office Expenses  1589.38
For Rents  742.32
For Rent of Farm at Demopolis leased by Mr. Conway Asst. Commr. Louisiana  3125.00
For Corn and Implements for Farm at Demopolis  2515.00
Returned Amount borrowed from Commr at Washington  5000.00