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The two hundred and fifty dollars you ask for, for repairs, we shall be unable to send you until the close of the month for the reason that it must first be estimated for and procured from the Department.  We will try to have it forthcoming at that time

I am very glad to hear that the Pittsburg institute will probably be located in Alabama.  Please write me some further account of it in reply to this.

Some time since in making recommendations for the Veteran Reserve Corp, (Regular) I understand from Col Cadle that you were not an applicant.  Is this still the case.

As the issue of rations will in a great measure cease with that of this month and there must always by a strong leaning to economy in the public service, I have to request you to close up the affairs of your Commissary Department that the large clerical force now employed in it can be discharged on or before the first prox

Your obdt Servant
Wager Swayne
Major General

Head Quarters Dist of Alabama
Montgomery Ala Sept 15, 1866

Green Major S.C.
Asst Adjt General
Macon Ga


I have the honor to transmit to you herewith an Extract from the Montgomery Mail, a newspaper published here, which has for some months found no readier avenue to public favor in this State than by a series of scurrilous attacks upon different officers of the Government.

Incited by such articles, the increasing acrimony of a portion of this people towards the Agents of the United States, and particularly those in its Military service, is already occasionally breaking out in violence.

The Police and Constables, throughout the State are occasionally persons who show precisely the same disposition to capture and do violence to individuals serving with the Army, as when two years ago, the same persons were formall engaged in so doing.  Occasionally also, a Civil tribunal is controled by partizan feeling


the most bitter and unscrupulous, and sometimes all three are found working in concert, with avidity and determination.

Hence instances have already arisen like the above, when great forbearance and a show of force have been required to avoid collision.  
And in view of what is now claimed, the enquiry becomes most practical and urgent how far Officers and Soldiers of the United States are to be yielded up to a feeling such as I have sketched.

I have no wish to raise vexed questions;  on the contrary, I have borne and forborne;  until the dignity of the Government and the safety of the troops are immediately involved.  
The day of trial cannot be far distant, and I not only sincerely ask instructions, but believe that if this people is told plainly that the Army is for the present, as heretofore amenable only to its own tribunals and to those of the United States, the effect will be most beneficial in the prevention of disorder.

I am Major
Very Respectfully
Your Obedient Servant
Wager Swayne
Major General

Head Quarters Dist of Alabama
Montgomery  Sept 17, 1866

Howard Maj Genl. O.O.
Commissioner &c
Washington D.C.


I am in receipt of a copy of Special Orders No. 450 War Dept C.S. mustering out of service Capt WC Arthur Commr of Subsistence.

I greatly dislike to ask postponement in a second instance.  But the fact that this officer has in hand a large amount of Stores and business pertaining to his Department of which no officer in this District can properly relieve him, compels me to request that such an officer may be sent here, and the must out of Captain Arthur postponed till his arrival.

I am General
Very Respectfully
Your Obdt Servant
Wager Swayne
Major General & 
Asst Commissioner