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Head Quarters Sub-Dist. of Ala.
Montgomery Ala. Oct. 20th 1866

Hudson Maj. Edw. McK.
Comdg. Post of Mobile
Mobile Ala.


Information has been received that Lieut. Shorkley commanding the post of Selma is seriously ill and is at present very low.  The Gen'l therefore directs that you at once send an officer to Selma tp assume temporary command of that Post, and report to this office the name rank &c of the officer sent.

Very Respectfully
Your Obdt. Servant
J F Conyngham
1st Lieut 15th Infy A.A.A. Gen'l.

Head Quarters Sub-Dist. of Alabama
Montgomery Ala. Oct. 20th 1866

Callis Bvt. Col. J.B.
Supt. B.R.F. & A.L.
Huntsville Ala.


Information has been received that Bv't Maj. J.J. Jones of your district has received on account of the Bureau the sum of $206.- for which he has never properly accounted, simply reporting that he has expended it for hospital purposes.  The Ass't Commissioner directs that you place Maj. Jones in arrest at once and continue him in arrest until he shall properly account for the money and such account shall have been approved at this office.

It is also stated that Maj. Jones has been absent from his post having gone to Washington.  You will report what authority he had for so doing.

Very Respectfully
Your Obdt. Servant
O.D. Kinsman


Head Quarters Sub-Dist. of Alabama
Montgomery Oct. 22nd 1866

Johnson Bv't Maj. Gen. R.W. Johnson
Provost Marshal General
Dept. of the Tennessee


Special Orders No. 50 current series from Department Head Quarters convening a Court Martial for the trial of Bvt Maj. R. Theune is received.  Corpl. L.J. Whiting one of the members has, since his name was sent up to Department Head Quarters been appointed to a Lieutenantcy in the Regular Army and ordered before the Board at New York for examination and consequently will not be present at the meeting of the Court.

Very Respectfully
Your Obdt. Servant
Wager Swayne
Major General

Head Quarters Sub-Dist. of Alabama
Montgomery Oct. 22d 1866

Arthur W.C.
Inspector, B.R.F. & A.L.


I forward you herewith a copy of the communication referred to in my telegram of yesterday which you can use and which will, I think, be of benefit to you in pursuing your investigation.  The General directs that you order "Poyck," Maj. Theune's clerk to report here in person at once.  At the same time you will report by mail on the propriety of placing him in confinement on his arrival here.  When you report the result of your investigation send also such portions of Maj. Theunes confession as you have.

The General desires me to say also that unless there is some very urgent reason for your going north, for your family at once he prefers that you either return here and wait until the trial is over or if you go north return by the 7th of November on which day the Court will convene.

Very Respectfully
Your Obdt. Servant
O.D. Kinsman