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Head Quarters Sub Dist of Alabama
Montgomery Ala  Nov 13th 1866

Smith Dr
Coosa Co Ala


A colored man named James Burbage has made complaint at this office that on the evening of the 9th inst five white men named respectively, Dave, Lewis, Young, Niel, and Wm Shephard assaulted him and throwing him down on the ground beat him severely with clubs &c.  That the only provocation for this assault as the white men themselves stated both to Burbage and to the wife of his employer was that Burbage had been with the "Yankee Army" and was at the time wearing a Federal uniform coat.  Burbage states that after hiding a day or two he went down to Wetumpka and stated his case but could get no satisfaction.  He fears even now to go back as the Shephards have threatened to kill him but as the Mail facilities between here and your place are so uncertain, I am compelled to send the letter by him.  I trust that when you receive this you will take up the case and see that Justice is done in the premises and request that you will notify one by letter what action has been taken.  If the Freedmans story is correct an outrage has been committed which Civil Authorities should act upon at once.  I have the honor to enclose a copy of General Orders No 44 from the Head Quarters of the Army for your information.

I am Very Respectfully
Your Obdt Servant,
O.D. Kinsman

Head Quarters Sub Dist of Alabama
Montgomery Ala  Nov 13th 1866

Callis Bvt Col J.B
Supt Dist North Ala.


I have telegraphed you today to the effect that the supplies of Corn and Bacon for your District have been shipped from New Orleans via Memphis.  You will turn over these supplies to the persons designated by Mr Cruikshank as the Agents at those several Depots, and will forward your receipts (in triplicate) to Bvt Maj W.A. Elderkin


Commisary of Subsistence in care of myself at this place.  You will for your own protection take like receipts from the Agents to whom you turn over the supplies.

I am Very Respectfully
Your Obdt Servant
O.D. Kinsman

Head Quarters Sub Dist of Alabama
Montgomery Ala  Nov 13th 1866

A.A.G. To the
Dist of the Chatta.


I have the honor to forward herewith the Roster of Officers for the month of October 1866, on duty in the Sub Dist of Ala.  Also the weekly Report of Companies serving in the Sub Dist of Alabama for the week ending Saturday Nov 3rd 1866

I am Very Respectfully
Your Obdt Servant
J F Conyngham
1sr Lieut 15" U.S.I. and A.A.A.G.
The Maj Genl Comdg being absent

Head Quarters Sub Dist of Alabama
Montgomery Ala  Nov 14th 1866

Comdg Officer
Fort Gaines Ala


The Returns of your command show that Lieut Quinby is still on duty at Fort Gaines.  You will report to these Head Quarters the reason for his not having complied with Ext 2, S.O. No 20. Hd Qrs District of the Chatta, forwarded from the Office Supt 30th 1866

By Order Major General Wager Swayne
J. F. Conyngham
1st Lieut 15" U.S.I and A.A.A.G.