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|   | in Alabama for the rise of the troops at Huntsville, Mountgomery, Selma and Mobile, and to make such additions and repairs as may be necessary at Mount- Vernon Arsenal, and at  Fort Morgan and Fort Gaines. It is believed that a saving of both men and money would result from an economical provision of this kind, and that the same is due to those junior officers who are serving with the troops, and whose families in time of peace should properly be with them, but who cannot properly inhabit tents whithin the precincts of a town.

I have the honor to be Sir
Very respectfully Your Obedient Servant
Wager Swayne
Major General Comdg
Sub Dist of Alabama |

|   | Head Quarters Sub Dist of Alabama
Montgomery Ala Nov 30th 1866 |
| Asst Adjt General | District of Chattahoochic
Macom Ga


I have the honor to forward herewith the Tri Monthly Report of the Sub Dist of Alabama for November 30th 1866, and also the Weekly Report of Companies serving in the Sub Dist of Alabama for the week ending Nov 24" 1866

Very Respectfully
Your Obdt Servant
Wager Swayne
Major General |

|   | Head Quarters Sub Distr of Alabama
Montgomery Ala Nov 28th 1866 |
| Ketchum | Major A.P. |
| 281/505 | Act. Asst. Adjt. Genl,
Washington D.C.


I am in receipt of your note of 28th inst. enquiring by direction of General Howard why the Annual Report for this District was not forwarded as directed. Genl Howard will remember that being ordered to send in the Report by Nov 10th and being at the same time ordered to New York I asked leave to defer my journey until the report | [[/2 columned table]]


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|   | was finished. This not being granted, I repaired to Washington directly after the examination, to finish it there, there not being twice to return here and do it. Being assured that the place was changed and the report not needed till after the meeting of Congress, I devoted myself to other matters with the sanction of General Howard, returning here Nov 28th.

Since my return I have met various Committees from the Legislature,cleared off the accumulated business and am now at work on the report again, which I will try to have reach you within ten or at most twelve days.

As I saw General Howard on the 19th inst. I presume your letter is a formal one but I think it best to put these facts upon the record.

I am Very Respectfully
Your Obdt Servant
Wager Swayne
Maj General |

|   | Head Quarters Sub Dist of Alabama
Montgomery Ala Nov 30th 1866 |
| Tracy | Bvt Maj Geo. H. |
| 262/272 | Supt B. R. F. and A. L.
Mobile, Ala.


In the Mobile "Nationalist" of the 29th inst appears a statement that one George Morrison ( a colored man) has been sentenced to be hung on the 28th Dec for an attempt to commit rape upon a white woman, the sentence being in accordance with the old code which punished the colored man with death but sent the white man found guilty of the same offence, to the penitentiary. General Swayne desires that you see Judge Chamberlain, who pronounced the sentence and ascertain if he will unite with the General in asking  for a commutation of the sentence. In case this is declined the General will be obliged to proceed in the matter under the "Civil Rights Bill".

I am Very Respectfully
Your Obedient Servant
O.D. Kinsman
Supt |

Transcription Notes:
As per earlier projects now completed, a 2-columned table format used