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Head Quarters Sub Dist of Alabama
Montgomery Ala Nov 30th 1866

Pierce Bvt Maj C.W
Supt B.R.F and A.L.
Demopolis Ala


Your communication of the 26th inst regarding the case of certain children apprenticed to Maj W.K. Paulding is received.  In reply I have to say that further action in the case is at present not advisable, but that probably definite instructions as to this and similar cases will be sent to you at an early period.

I am Very Respectfully
Your Obdt Servant
O.D. Kinsman

Head Quarters Sub Dist of Alabama
Montgomery Ala Nov 30th 1866

Sheffield J.L.
Marshall Co. Ala.


Your communication of the 27th inst to General Swayne in regard to the case of the widow of Mr. Smelser who served in the Army as Captain of a Company of scouts and was hung by the enemy, is received.  In reply I have to say that if Mr. Smelser was regularly mustered into the service of the United States his widow is entitled to his back pay, and pension and perhaps a bounty.  This latter depends however on the date of commencement and duration of service.  I enclose the necessary blanks together with directions for making out the papers and statement as to what is required as proof of marriage.

I am Very Respectfully
Your Obdt Servant
O.D. Kinsman


Head Quarters Sub Dist of Alabama
Montgomery Ala Nov 30th 1866

Thomas Bvt Brig Saml
A.A.A Gen Bureau R.F. and A.L.
Washington, D.C.


With many thanks I return herewith to your office the papers regarding the distribution of Corn and Bacon, which I borrowed of you to show the Seretary [[Secretary]] of War on my late visit to Washington.

I am Very Respectfully
Your Obdt Servant
Wager Swayne
Major General

Head Quarters Sub Dist of Alabama
Montgomery Ala Dec 1st 1866

Greene Bvt Maj S.C. 15 Infty
Act Asst Adjt Genl
Dist of the Chatta


I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your communication of the 28" Ult relative to delay in receiving the Returns of this command and would state that such delay is caused by there being no means of promptly communicating with the Posts of Forts Morgan & Gaines.  Returns from those points are generally from a week to ten days in reaching these Head Quarters.  There is also delay in receiving the Mails from Huntsville, Ala.

I can assure you that there is no tardiness displayed after receipt of Post Returns, in consolidating and forwarding to your office Returns & from these Head Quarters.

Very Respectfully
Your Obdt Servant
Wager Swayne
Major General