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[[2 columned talbe]]
| --- | --- |
|   | Head Quarters Sub Dist of Alabama
Montgomery Ala Dec 11th 1866 |
| Adjt Gen | U. S. A.
| 266/281  | Washington D.C.


In compliance with Telegraphic instructions of the 10th inst from your office directing to the forwarded to Washington under proper guard the insane officer referred to in my dispatch of the 10" Inst. I have the honor to forward herewith (in charge of a Sergt and two (2) men) Bvt Maj R Theune Ralph V.R.C. and A.C.S. of the Bureau R . F. and A. L. at Talladega Ala Maj Theune was placed in arrest at Talladega on the 9" October 1866, on the charge of embezzlement of Government Stores, and directed to report at Montgomery. On his arrival at that place he was placed in confinement and has been so kept up to the present time. He was tried under the charges of embezzlement on the 8" Nov 1866, and the proceedings of the Court forwarded the same day, but no order or communication in answer thereto has been received. Supposed symptons of insanity commenced disclosing themselves a few days after his being placed in confinement which finally on the morning of the 9" inst culminated in violent and repeated attempts to break his guard, and it was found necessary to place him under personal restraint in order to ensure his safety.

At the time of his trial the evidence of his insanity were not sufficiently conclusive to allow the Court to take any official notice thereof. 

Maj Theune was last paid by Bvt Lt Col  Edwin Beecher Add U. S. A. to include the 30" Sept 1866. 
I have the honor to enclose herewith the certificate of Maj Theune's insanity. 

I am Very Respectfully 

Your Obdt Servt
Maj Genl Comd | [[/2 columned table]]


[[2 columned table]]
| ---  | --- |
|   | Head Quarters Sub Dist of Alabama
Montgomery Ala Dec 11" 1866 |
| Ketchum | Bvt Maj A. P.
A A A Bureau R. F. and A. L.
Washington D.C. 


I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of a communication from your office of the 5" inst directing a thorough inspection of the Hospital &c be made by the Surgeon in Chief. It will receive immediate attention. I also avail myself of this opportunity to state that inspection of this character have from time to time been made under my directions by the Surgeon in Chief for this District

I am Very Respectfully
Your Obdt Servant 

Maj General Asst Commsr |

|   | Head Quarters Sub Dist of Alabama
Montgomery Ala Dec 12 1866 |
| Comdg Officer  | Post of Fort Gaines
| 259/448 | Mobile Ala


You will on receipt of this, immediately relieve 1" Lieut Ira Quinby 15 U. S. I. from duty with your Com'd and direct him to comply with S.O. No 20, Hd Qrs Dist of the Chatt. Macon Ga. Sept 28th 1866

By order of
Maj Gen Wager Swayne    
J.F. Conyingham
1" Lieut 15" U. S. I. & A A A G |

|   | New York Nov 1" 1866 |
| Adjt. Genl | U. S. A
Washington D. C.


In accordance with Paragraph 468 Rev Army Regulations of 1863, I have the honor to report myself on the detached duty in purusance of S. O. No 310 Ext 3 Was Dept A.G.O. Washington D. C. dated Oct         13" 1866 requiring me to appear |