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Head Quarters Sub Dist of Alabama
Montgomery Ala  Dec 15" 1866

Seawell Wm. Esq.
Greenville, Ala.


Your communication of the 12th inst in reference to a Colored child in Greenville whom you are desirous of having educated, is received.  In reply I have to say that this case will be taken under consideration and that it is not impossible that you may be enabled to carry out your views in regard to the matter.  You will be farther advised in regard to it so soon as something practicable is determined on.

I am Very Respectfully
Your Obdt Servant
O.D. Kinsman

Head Quarters Sub Dist of Alabama
Montgomery Ala  Dec 15" 1866

Busteed Hon Richard
US District Judge


Referring to such rights as may accrue to the Bureau of Refugees and Freedmen as may accrue within this State under the 12" Section of the Act extendinding the duration of the same, I have the honor to express to you the request of the Commissioner that the property involved may be transferred to him in kind for disposition in accordance with the provissions of the Act.

A personal assurance is hereby extended that costs of Court shall be adjusted to the satisfaction of your Honor and with reasonable promptness.

I am Sir
Very Respectfully
Your Obdt Servant
Maj Genl Asst Commr.


Head Quarters Sub Dist of Alabama
Montgomery Ala  Dec 15" 1866

Zeigler Geo. K. Esq
President National Bank of Commerce
Philadelphia Penn


In October last Bvt Maj R. Theune V.R.C. who had for sometime previous been on duty in the Bureau in this State was arrested under charges of embezzlement of Government Stores.  He was tried but the action of the supervising authority has not yet been made known.  Soon after his arrest and confinement he exhibited symptoms of insanity which finally on the 9th inst culminated in repeated and violent attempts to break his guard and it was found necessary to place him under personal restraint.  Application as then made to the War Dept for his admission into the Military Insane Asylum at Washington which being granted he was forwarded to that place on the 11th inst in charge of a military escort.  I make this statement to you because I have been unable to obtain from Maj Theune the address of any of his relatives or connections in this country and because he has frequently spoken of you as his friend.  I sent his personal wearing apparel with him to Washington, but have retained here two trunks which for the most part are filled with his wifes clothing.  I have also a Watch and cain, and ring which I believe had been the property of his wife.  These latter articles he turned over to me when he was arrested, and as he was insane I could not return them to him when he left.  I should be glad if you would either directly or through his relations give me instructions as to the disposal of this property.  If desired I will ship it by express to any address given.  Please return answer in enclosed envelope.

I am 
Very Respectfully
Your Obdt Servant
O.D. Kinsman