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Your Obedient Servant
Maj. Gen. & A. Cr.

P.S. It was my direction that the Special order should be sent through you to the Post Surgeon.  That it was not, was wrong.
Maj. Gen.

Head Quarters Sect Dist. of Alabama
Montgomery Ala Dec 28" 1866

Elderkin Bvt Maj Wm A.
Commissary of Subsistence
Mobile Ala.


I am advised that the existing arrangement of the Commissary Department at Mobile will soon be broken up. 

To prevent suffering or confusion, I wish you to transmit to whoever may succeed you, my own explicit and positive direction both as Military Commandant and as Assistant Commissioner, that he continue to issue the destitute ration on returns signed by Bvt. Maj. Tracy, the Superintendent of the Bureau in Mobile, as you have been doing, and as is required by existing orders.

Very Respectfully
Your Obedient Servant
Major General

Head Quarters Sub Dist of Alabama
Montgomery Ala  Dec 28" 1866

Peck W.H.H.
Asst Supt Tuscaloosa Ala

Your communication of the 22" inst regarding your inability to collect for the freedmen their just dues &c is received.  In reply I have to say that at present the Bureau cannot interfere in these matters except in aiding in the prompt and just execution of the existing State Laws.  The "Stay law" having been amended so far as the collection of sums due for labor under Contracts made subsequent to July 25" 65 is concerned shields the laborer from the unjust delay to which he has heretofore been subjected


The principal remaining difficulty is the general inability of the laborer to give security for costs of Court when sueing the employer.  I enclose Copy of an Act passed at the Legislature of last winter which shows that in one of the bounties of your District, Justices of the Peace, have the right to refuse trying civil cases where the plaintiff does not give security for costs.  You are fortunately located in the only county of your District to which this Act applies and then you must rely upon the control which you may be enabled to gain over the Justices of the Peace by impartial advice.  It is hoped that soon a system of U.S. Commissioners will be organized before whom parties can be brought who under cover of State Law avoid payment of their debts and punishment for their offences.  In Counties to which this Act does not apply you will forward the names of the Justices of the Peace who refuse to try any case which being within their jurisdiction is brought before them.

Very Respectfully
Your obdt Servant
O.D. Kinsman

Head Quarters Sub Dist of Alabama
Montgomery Ala  Dec 28" 1866

Comdg Office 24" U.S. Infty
Vicksburg Miss

I have the honor to transmit Official Copy of G.O. 83 Hd Qrs 15 U.S.I. Macon Ga Dec 14" 1866, assigning me to the 24" Infty with an Official Copy of letter of Gen Swayne to Dept Hd Qrs requesting that I be directed to report to him for duty, also a Copy of the Original Order detailing me on duty at these Head Quarters.

I am Sir
Very Respectfully
Your Obdt Servant
J.F. Conyngham
1" Lieut 24" US Infty and A.A.A.G.