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Head Quarters Sub Dist of Alabama
Montgomery Ala  Jan 2" 1867

Shepherd Col O.L.
Comdg 15" Infty


You will please forward to these Head Quarters a Roster of the Lieuts of your Regt as lately assigned to Companies, also a Roster of the Lieuts as assigned to Cos B, D, & E, 33" Infty now serving in this State.  

By order of
Major General Wager Swayne
J.F. Conyngham
1" Lieut 24" U.S.I and A.A.A.G.

Head Quarters Sub Dist of Alabama
Montgomery Ala  Jan 2"1867

Harris M Esq
Lafayette Chambers Co. Ala


Your communication of the 27" Ult soliciting an appointment in the Bureau R.F. & A.L. is received.  In reply I have to say that at present no Civilians are being appointed.

Very Respectfully
O.D. Kinsman

Head Quarters Sub Dist of Alabama
Montgomery Ala  Jan 2" 1867

Holstein O. Esq.
863 Nor 9" St
Philadelphia Penn.


Your communication of the 27" Ult in regard to Bvt Maj R. Theune is received.  In reply I have the honor to state that Maj Theune during his confinement here became gradually insane, his insanity finally taking on the 9" Ult so violent a form, that it was necessary to place him under personal restraint.  Application was there made to the War Dept for his admission to the Military Insane Asylum at Washington, which being granted, he was on the 11" Ult forwarded to that place in charge of an escort.  I was unable to obtain from Maj Theune the address of any of his relatives in this Country


but having frequently heard him speak of Mr. Geo. K. Ziegler President of the "National Bank of Commerce" at Philadelphia, as his friend, I wrote to that gentleman on the 13" Ult stating what had been done with Maj Theune, and that I had in my possession trunks containing principally his wife's clothing, and also a watch, chain, & Ring supposed to have been his wife's property and asking what disposition should be made of them.  To this letter I have received no answer.  If you desire it, I will forward this property to you by express.

I am very Respectfully
You Obdt Servant
O.D. Kinsman

Head Quarters Sub Dist of Alabama
Montgomery Ala  Jan 1"1867

Howard Maj Gen O.O.
Commissioner Bureau R.F. & A.L.
Washington D.C.


I have the honor to report that I am on duty as Superintendent at the office of the Assistant Commissioner Bureau R.F. & A.L. Alabama, having since my muster out of the military service been retained by order of the Commissioner as a civilian in the service of the Bureau with the pay of my late Military Rank.

Very Respectfully
Your obdt service
O.D. Kinsman

Head Quarters Sub Dist of Alabama
Montgomery Ala  Jan 3"1867

Young Mr
Pine Level
Montgomery Co Ala


The bearer Nelson Coruu has made application to this office for his Boy Richard, now in your possession.  An examination of the books at the office of the Judge of Probate, for this County shows that said child is not apprenticed 

Transcription Notes:
I don't know what Comdg stands for = Commanding Infty = infantry Lieuts = lieutenants Regt = regiment