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A Monthly Report covering these permits will hereafter be mailed to this office promptly on the 1st day of each month.

By order of
Major General Wager Swayne
J.F. Conyngham
1" Lieut 24" U.S.I. and A.A.A.G.

Head Quarters Sub Dist of Alabama
Montgomery Ala  Jany 23rd 1869

Stickney Henry. Esq.
Mobile Ala


A colored man named "Eli" Abercrombie between 80 & 90 years old is here dependent on the Government for support.  He states that he has three daughters in Mobile who are able to support him and that you know them or their husbands.  The daughters names are Hager, Louisa & Caroline, their husbands names are Henry Freney, Benj Cook, -Eli Abercrombie.  If you can furnish any information in regard to these people, their ability to send for or to support him, you will confer a favor on this office.

Very Respectfully
Your obdt servant
O.D. Kinsman

Head Quarters Sub Dist of Alabama
Montgomery Ala  Jany 24" 1867

Shepherd Col O.L.  15" U.S. Infty
Mobile Ala


Your communication of the 22" inst asking that 1" Lieut Geo Shorkley of your Regiment may be ordered to his company at Mobile which is without an officer to command it, is received.  In reply I would say that as the company now at Selma belongs to the 33" Infty it will probably be soon ordered North of the Tennessee River.  In that event it would be necessary to replace it with a company from Mobile and it would be preferable to select Lieut Shorkleys company in order to retain Lieut. S in his capacity as a Bureau officer at Selma where he has proved himself a very capable and


efficient officer.  The limited number of officers of the Volunteer Veteran Reserve Corps in this State renders it necessary to detail Regular Officers on Bureau duty.

Very respectfully
Your obdt servant
Major General

Head Quarters Sub Dist of Alabama
Montgomery Ala  Jany 24th 1867

Howard Maj. Gen. O.O.
Commissioner &c 
Washington D.C.


I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt this morning, by reference from yourself, of a communication addressed to you Dec 20" 1866, by William H. Smith of Alabama, for himself and associates touching the administration of the Bureau in this State.

The communication is designed "to induce the Government to use its resources to the best advantage in our State, for the development of its material interests."  It proposes "three especial agencies to this end"
1.  The first of these is that the writers should secure control by legislation of certain public lands, and through these of "Secession capital, and "other local interests."  This is a matter of which I have no official knowledge or opinion.

2.  The second means suggested to the end proposed is that the present Assistant Commissioner be replaced by "an able and earnest radical."
To this I have of course no reply to make, further than to remind you of the condition upon which I came here and which I have never waived, that I should be relieved whenever any change should seem to you desirable
Subordinate ends however, avowed see this connection require detailed analysis.

1.  The dependents of the Bureau are to be brought into more direct communication with "radical influence."
I presume this refers to the persons to whom food has heretofore distributed, and as it is understood and agreed that from the first of March next the State shall assume that cost and management of each distribution, it is suggested that such influences cannot be within that time exiled to much purpose.

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